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"I didn't mean to kill him! I-I love him, I would never hurt him on purpose! I-"

I shoot up with sweat all over my body, breathing heavily and with tears in my eyes.  What the fuck was that. I rub my eyes and look over at my alarm clock

3:47 am

Before I could comprehend the weird dream I had, my phone starts ringing. I groan and reach for it answering.
"Hello? This is Daniela and I fucking hope you get ran over. Can I help you?"

"Daniela! I'm sorry for calling at this hour but we need your help. I wish it could wait, but it just can't." I sit up as I hear Caroline's voice filled with worry and guilt.

"I'm on my way." I groan but quickly brush my teeth and write a note for Klaus and his siblings. After that I don't even bother to pack or change. I start mumbling a spell and once I open my eyes I'm on my favorite couch of the Salvatore house.

I hear a Yelp and shriek.
"God that's so creepy Daniela!" I snicker and turn to Caroline,
"I know and I love it, anyways what was so important that made you call me at 3 in the morning?" I ask.
she fiddles with her hands avoiding eye contact.

"Well...  look I know that I should have told you the second it happened but we just didn't wa-" I walk towards her and try to calm her down

"Caroline just tell me. It's okay." She looks at me and takes a deep breathe nodding.

"Damon and Bonnie have been stuck in a prison world for 4 months and 3 days! And I know I should have told you! I'm so sorry." It takes me a minute to process her words. Damon and Bonnie? Stuck? Prison world? I look up at her and speak in a confused tone.

"But I've texted them and they've responded.." she looks at me with a guilty expression. I scoff and glare at her.

"You've been texting me this whole time?! Are you fucking serious Caroline! What the fuck?! Why didn't you tell me!" She looks at me with a pained expression and talks in a whisper.

"I-I just wanted you to enjoy your vacation.. I know I messed up okay! But we need your help to get them back, Luke and liv can't! they said that the spell drained too much energy, they could only hold it for a minute or two..." I look at her, and frown. Her eyes are filled with tears and she looks like she hasn't slept in weeks.

I walk in front of her and give her a hug, whispering comforting words. Once she calms down I pull back and wipe her tears.
"It's okay care, come on where is everyone else?" She takes my hand and pulls me towards the kitchen.

I look around seeing Stefan, Matt, and Jeremy with a map. I look at the other side of the counter seeing liv, Elena, and Luke staring at an ascendent. Once we walk in everyone's eyes are on me.

"Hey bitches. Just so you know I hate all of you right now, what were you thinking not telling me that Bonnie and Damon were missing?!" They all came up to me mumbling apologies and giving me hugs. I huff and start walking towards the ascendent.

"Ooo this is fancy now,  fill me in and don't mind my pajamas."  I hear snickers and muffled laughs, I smile knowing they feel a little better.
After a long 5 hours of everyone reading and researching Stefan speaks up.

"I think we need a break. My eyes are burning and Jeremy over here is practically drooling on my shoulder." They all nod in agreement.  I look up from my covens grimoire

"y'all can go get some rest, I'll be up in a minute or two," they all look at me with concern.  Without looking up I whisper

"You know it's kind of creepy how you're all staring at me." Before they can protest I do a simple sleeping spell on all of them, they really needed sleep anyway.  I focus my attention back to the grimoire and immediately find a solution. I sip my coffee and get the ascendent ready. 

I stay up and read a bit more information about how this all works. I feel completely drained, i start falling asleep until I hear a groan. I look up to see everyone waking up. I smile and try getting up only to fall back on the couch.  I groan and stand up leaning against the couch

"What did you do? I feel so energized and not tired." I giggle and mentally slap myself, I never giggle unless I'm tired or drunk. And right now I'm completely drained.

"I might have cast a sleeping spell on all of you.. and I might have transferred my energy into all of you too.." Luke looks at me with concern and walks towards me.
"But that drains every ounce of energy you have Dani...." I nod and smile I loved when he called me Dani.

"Yes Luke. Good job, anyways I did it! I figured out it out, we can leave.. right now. Just let me know who's coming and who's staying"  Elena, Stefan and Jeremy step up and i nod taking the ascendant into my hand and lighting the candles.  Luke gives me a knowing look but I smile at him mouthing "I'll be okay." He hesitantly Nods.

"I'll see y'all in a minute, don't worry I promise to bring them back." Caroline literal zooms in front of me and hugs me tightly.
"Please be careful." I smile lazily at her and giggle.

"I'll be okay care, you know I keep my promises, and I promised you that I'd get you laid." I wink and hug her tightly. 

Letting go I speak up.
"Okay let's get bon bon and Damon back." I start chanting as everyone holds on to me. Before I could start to comprehend what had happened I felt a cold breeze hitting the back of my neck.

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