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I tried one more time before the same thing happened again.
"Okay i won't be doing that anymore"
I sigh, why would he trap me here and prevent me from doing magic? He thinks I betrayed him but I didn't.

It was all Bonnie and Damon, I look out the window sighing, what am I supposed to do now?


1 week later

I hated it here, I hated not being able to do anything besides drink and cry and think about him.
I lay down on the floor sighing.
Did I actually believe he loved me? I mean he was a sociopath, and apparently he still is.

But then again I saw how caring and loving he was towards me.
He couldn't be faking that much... I look up at the ceiling and stay there until I fall asleep.


It's been a week and I was going insane with out her, I needed her with me.
I kept telling myself one more week.
And it's true, one more week and she'll be back into my view.

The Salvatore brothers have been nagging about how mad I was for her and how she'll never forgive me but I kept telling them the same thing I've told myself.

I'll make it up to her, she is mine and I'm still hers. I've tried finding loopholes but nothing could brake the stupid spell I did.
I sit up in bed alone again.
I grab my phone and see that there is one missed call from Bonnie the betrayer.

What could she want? I dial her number and huff out in annoyance.
"Hello bon, why did you call me?" I hear her talking to someone else's before responding.

"I think we found a way to bring Daniela back. And faster. We'll be waiting at the boarding house." Before I could even get a word in she hangs up.
But I get up and get dressed, I wasn't going to miss an opportunity to bring my Daniela back.

Before walking in uninvited I grab a stake and set it inside my jacket.
I could never be to careful.
I open the door and see damon, bon, Steven and clarice.

"Well hello, now what's the plan?"


After Bonnie explained we started working, Bonnie was going to do a spell to try and pull Daniela out.
We all agreed that bitchy Bonnie and I were strong enough to pull her through.

I looked over at bon and nodded as she started saying the spell.
After she says it once I repeat after her, I start seeing a body shape forming in the foyer, but as soon as it's there it's gone.

"What happened?" I look over at Bonnie with a pissed expression.
"I-I don't know it should have worked." I roll my eyes and siphon magic from her.
Threatening her.

"Well let's try again" I watch as she shakes her head.
"No, the spirits are warning me, if we try and get her out they will trap her longer." I sigh in frustration nodding.

"One more week, I mean she can hold off one more week." Bonnie nods slowly as the rest look down disappointed.
"Don't call me unless she magically appears out of nowhere. Because I will kill you all." I smile and walk out.

One thing was for sure, if I wanted her to ever forgive me I would need to earn it.
I would need to give her everything and more.
I smile to myself as I make items appear.

I climb up her window and land with a thud in her room.
I get up cleaning myself up.
I start setting up those lights she'd always talk about.
I make flowers appear and scatter them around her room.

I take a different color of flower and make a pathway to her bed and tub.
I was truly going to try my best, for her.
And she deserves it all.
It was only one more week, what harm could be done?


We've reached 6.56k reads ahhh thank you all. I'm not gonna lie I've gotten a bit lazy and messy with this story and I apologize. I need to extend my vocabulary and all that so please hang on a bit more! I appreciate your votes and comments.

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