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She shoves me to the side and I just stand there confused, I follow her back downstairs and watch as she starts to cook while eating a snack.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you like-" I get cut off by her voice

"Shut up. I'm on my period now leave me alone." My eyes widen I forgot that girls had periods, it's been a long time.
Jo always had them and I would take care of her when I actually felt feelings.

I slowly walk over to her and take the things out of her hand and set them down on the counter.

"Go sit down Daniela I'll make breakfast." She shakes her head and starts to take out the pans I grab her arm and pull her towards me making her gasp.
"Go. Sit. Down," she tries pulling away but I tighten my grip on her

"I don't need your help Parker, I can do it myself." I shake my head and lower my head near her ear whispering.
" let someone take care of you for once Daniela, and either way I don't want more blood on my floors so go sit down or go to bed."

She huffs and tries to push me off of her but I just hold her in place staring at her and then I let go humming.
I watch as she grabs potatoes bringing them to me I groan and glare at her.

Why can't she just let someone take care of her, why can't she let me take care of her.

"Let me help at least," I start shaking my head until she speaks again
"Or I'll Motus you until I get a yes." I gulp and nod

"Fine. What are we making princess." She smiles brightly and wow.
I take a good look at her, she's beautiful, her lips were perfect.
I couldn't help but remember how she kissed me and I kissed her, I didn't understand what I was thinking, I can't feel.

I just didn't want to kill her, or maybe my manipulative traits were getting to me. I look back up at her

"Did you hear me kai?" I look at her confused and shake my head

"No, So repeat it." She rolls her eyes and grips the knife in her hand, Chopping potatoes aggressively.

"I said we're doing potatoes with eggs, ham, and crepas." I nod and turn the stove on.

"What's crepas?" She looks at me as and then she hums.

"I forgot you don't know Spanish, it's crepes. I'm hungry so hurry or get out and I can do it myself." I salute her as she tries to hide a smile.

After an hour and a half we were done, we ended up making avocado toast a thing I haven't tried, eggs, pancakes, crepes, or crepas, potatoes, ham, and we also made a buttercream.

I look at the table and damn. We outdid ourselves, I grab orange juice and cranberry juice pouring them into our cups.

"I'm hungry, thanks for helping me or whatever, now try the avocado toast!" I look at it and take a bite my eyes widening. Wow.

"That's- it's good..." I watch as she shys away with a smile

"See I told you dummy, now, let's eat because I am starving." I nod and dig in her potatoes were perfect and so were her crepes.

"Woah these are good what are the called again crespos?" She laughs and shakes her head

"Crepas, cre and then pas." I nod and repeat after her getting it. After our big breakfast I watch as she gathers plates trying to clean up. I get up and shove her to the side

"Nope I got it, now go rest." She groans but nods

"Do you guys have medication? My stomach is killing me." I nod towards the cabinet

"Yea they're right in there." She gives me a appreciative smile and grabs it downing it with water.  I hear her groan and run upstairs, I go after her to see what was wrong.

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