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I watch as she gets pulled away by the Bennett witch.
I really wanted to tell her I would be visiting her tomorrow for her birthday.
I decided against it, last thing I needed was to be killed on my first hour back.

I wave as she walks away.
I try walking away but of course the blood sucking vampire we all call Damon had to step in my way.

"Mmm Damon, you know if I were you I would play nice right now." He hums in amusement throwing a fake smile my way.

"I'm going to be straight with you little sociopath. Stay away from Daniela. She has been through way to much and she doesn't need you adding to that list." I chuckle and shake my head.

"Oh Damon, I happen to like Dani. She's a great friend and her lips are VERY addictive. Did you know that?" He speeds towards me but I was quicker muttering Motus and disappearing.


I was excited to see everyone, Especially Luke and Liv.
Damon drives us home, we couldn't stop talking the entire drive.
I really did miss him and Bonnie, I sigh and look out my window as I see the boarding house coming closer into view.

"It's been way too long. But I've been gone longer so." I hear Damon chuckle along with Bonnie.

"This was different Daniela. You were stuck with a dangerous person and in a sucky place." I chuckle nodding.

"I guess you're right." I smile at both of them as we get out of the car.
Damon bursts in after Bonnie, I see everyone gather around with worried expressions.

Those expressions quickly turn into joy when they see me enter.
"Oh my god Daniela!" I chuckle as Caroline literally tackles me in a hug.

"Hi caro." She pulls back to look at me with tears and I hear as she laughs out of joy.
I join in trying not to cry.

"Daniela! I'm glad your okay." I look over at Luke and liv embracing them in a hug immediately.

"I missed you two so much." They hug me for a while longer as I hear Luke mutter a sorry and until I'm embraced by another person.
I look up and meet Stefan's eyes, they're filled with tears as I hug him back.

"I'm so sorry Daniela, for everything. I missed you so much." I chuckle and let out a quite sob

"I missed you to Stefan, I guess you won't be ignoring me for a while now?" He nods laughing.

After a while of me hanging out with everyone I walk up to my room and get ready for bed.
I change into my shorts and bra thinking about Kai, how is he? Where is he is the better question

A tap on my window answers my question.
I look over at what had hit my window only to see Kai throwing rocks.

I smile and open it whisper shouting.
"What are you doing here kai?" He smiles up at me and whisper shouts back.
"I got a little homesick! And I might have came because it's almost your birthday."

I smile.
He remembered, he remembered my birthday.
I mutter a quick spell making him float up towards my window.

"Hi." He steadies himself muttering a quick hi back.

"So, what have you been up to Parker? Have you killed a puppy yet?" He lets out a chuckle sitting on my bed.

"The opposite actually, I got a puppy." I give him a surprised look and raise my eyebrows.

"Since when? It's been 5 hours and your already adopting puppies." He smiles nodding.

"There're cute. Anyways come over here. Let's sleep." I roll my eyes trying to cover up my nervousness.
Sleep? Together? In the same bed? No way.
But ugh he looked so adorable and so comfortable.

"Parker.. you get the floor. I get the bed." He groans loudly making me shush him.

"But I need sleep and so do youuu!" I snicker as he whines.
I walk over to him and get under the covers facing him.

"Goodnight Kai." I watch as he smiles and the last thing I hear before I fall into a deep slumber is
"Goodnight princess."

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