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We try to relight the candles but they just kept blowing out, The only one that was lit was very dim and I started to panic.

"Guys what if something went wrong? W-what if something happened to Daniela? And that's why the candles won't light. Oh god." I glare at Caroline and start walking towards her

"Shut up Caroline! She is fine! Have a little faith in her, s-she's okay they all are.." she looks at me shocked at my outburst, but I could care less right now. 
After trying to relight the candles again I gave up and sat on the kitchen counter. 

"Liv.. I'm sorry, I know she's okay, I-I just panicked but it's okay! They have wait.. isn't their time up?"
I glance up at her and check my phone.

9:05 am. What the fuck? She's five minutes late I push past Caroline and check the candle, it's growing dimmer by the second.

"Guys! The candle is going out! What do we do? What the fuck do we do?!"
They all come rushing in and when they do the candle blows out.
Omg... they're gone.. they're all gone.
I turn to everyone and start sobbing. Luke comes over and pulls me in a hug. I hear Caroline choking on her sobs clinging on to Matt.

I start wiping my eyes and I run over to Daniela's grimoire, there has to be something that can bring them back, maybe if I do a spell with Luke I- my thoughts are interrupted with a loud thud and scream. I run back into the kitchen and yell

"Motus!" I hear a very familiar groan I look up and see everyone on the ground.

"O-omg your all okay?! But how? The candles went out?" They all stand up, having tears in their eyes.

(Not me playing as the world caves in 💀)

"S-she saved us... and we couldn't help." I turn to Elena and give her a glare.
"What do you fucking mean Elena?! Where the fuck is Daniela?" She chokes on her sobs and hugs Bonnie.
Caroline comes over to the bunch and starts looking around.

"Where is she? Where's Daniela?" I hear her voice crack and I physically wince.
I look at her and shake my head. She gasps and turns to Stefan.

"Stefan please, tell me she's okay?" Stefan looks at her and turns his head away.
Caroline starts sobbing and and falls on her knees. My eyes start swelling with tears.

"Tell me exactly what happened! I-I can probably do the spell and get her out! J-just let's all go okay? Let's all go do research a-and just get her back." I start grabbing her grimoire and notes. They all look around and nod, Damon comes up to me and sits next to me.

"We were getting out and running out of time, so she started the spell and this stupid witch threw her across the room so I pinned him and she threw him.
We were so close to leaving until she got tackled... a-and" he clears his throat and fixes his posture.

"can't you just see it? By doing some witchy surgery?"
I nod and slide my hands on his head, I put out one hand to project it on the tv screen.

I open my eyes watching, oh god is that Kai?! I watch as he chokes her, and how he tackles her.. damn you Kai Parker.

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