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It's been an entire week of dating Kai, it was amazing.
The way he protected me to the way he would be giddy with me.
It was the best thing that has happened to me.

Today I was planning on telling him that I loved him, sure we had only been dating for a week but I've known him for almost half a year.
I set candles and petals on the floor smiling to myself.

But then I thought... wouldn't he freak out? He just got emotions, maybe we're going to fast.
I shake my head picking up the candles and petals as I throw them into a bag. I hear my door open and I immediately make everything invisible, I didn't need everyone to know I was a romantic.

I look up and see Kai standing there with flowers.
"Hey Dani. Are you okay?" I nod and smile at him.
"Yea im okay you just scared me." He nods and gives me a kiss as he hands me the flowers.

"Awe thank you. You shouldn't have." He smiles kissing me again. I deepen the kiss and I hear him hum as he pulls away.
"Your hiding something.." I panic and shake my head.

"What do you mean?" He chuckles and holds my hand.
"Come on uncloak it princess." I sigh uncloaking it I hear him take a sharp intake of air as he stiffens.
"It's nothing really... it was stupid so.. ignore it?" He shakes his head smiling down at me.

"This is so... romantic. You did this for me?" I laugh at his shocked expression and nod he gives me a kiss laying me down on the bed I again deepen it and light the candles with magic. I feel his lips trail down to my neck as I close my eyes in pleasure.

He finds my sweet spot making me grunt slightly as I try hiding my moan.
I feel him smirk and he lifts his head up looking at me.
"Don't try to stop the sounds coming out of your mouth princess. I wanna hear them all." I try to squeak out an okay but he goes down on my neck again.

He kissed my sweet spot making me squirm and gasp in pleasure, he sucks on it making me moan after he's done sucking he continues kissing me along my neck.
I grab his arm and push him under me kissing him, I slowly start kissing down his neck.
As he grunts I kiss under his ear and feel him stiffen.

I smirk and start sucking slowly and softly as I hear him slightly moan, I suck harder getting the moan out of him.
I move on from his sweet spot leaving hickeys.
I feel something poke my leg as I straddle him. I

He pulls away looking at me with want and lust, even... love? No he can't. Not yet.
"Are you sure?" I nod quickly wanting to kiss him.

"Yes, I want you." He smiles as he deepens the kiss flipping us over.
He takes his shirt off as I take mine off tossing it across the room.
I pull him on me kissing him with passion and lust.

Was I really going to so this? What if he left me right after? What is he doesn't really like me? No. He does... I'm-
Before I could overthink more I felt him whisper in my ear

"I want you Daniela only you. I won't leave you, I won't hurt you because... I- I love you." I look up at him with a shocked expression.

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