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"DANI!" I run towards the lake and smile when I spot her.
I watch as she turns around and smiles brightly towards me.
I laugh in relief and start walking towards her as she starts walking towards me.

"Kai... oh my god I missed you so mu-" before she could finish her sentence I feel myself being thrown back.
I watch as she's thrown down into the water.

"Daniela! Are you okay?" She looks back up at me with a smile.
"Yea I'm okay.. what happened?" I was about to respond until Bonnie came running in with blood on her head.
"Joshua is here! We need to leave." I nod getting up and run towards Dani.

"Bonnie! Oh my-" I watch as she gets shoved back down into the water.
I feel myself being pushed back once again.
I look to my side to see Bonnie down as well.

"Joshua! Show yourself!" I watch Daniela as she starts getting up only to be pushed down my a now visible figure.
I glare up at my father.

"Hello malakai, I see you brought along ms. Bennett." I hear Bonnie grunt in response, finally something we agree on.
"What are you doing here Joshua? Just leave." Bonnie speaks up.

"I'm here for ms. Moon, I'm afraid that her time has come." I watch as he plunges her head underwater.
I scream in worry.
"NO! Joshua STOP!! YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HER! Stop!!" I was to busy to hear Bonnie screaming besides me.

I try doing magic only to feel a sharp pain. I look back up at Joshua to see him pulling Daniela back up.
I look at her with tears in my eyes, but what came next made my heart drop down to my stomach.
She looked at me mouthing
"I love you." I let out a sob and try getting out.

"Joshua... please! Okay!? I'll do anything just let her go." I watch as he pulls her hair making her face me.
I gulp in fear of loosing the only good thing in my life, the only joy, my Dani.

"Very well." I watch him slowly pull something out of his pocket.
"Kai... I love you. I love you so much... brac-" she gets cut off as Joshua slits her throat.
All I felt was emptiness.

"NOOOOO! Please... no no no. Dani!!" I feel myself fall forward as Joshua moves away from her.
I run to her falling on my knees sobbing.

"Dani please don't leave me. I love you so much. Just please.. stay a little longer okay?" I try healing the wound only to feel the pain again.
Before i could retry to do it I feel a hand on my cheek.

"I-I love yo-you." I watch as blood starts spilling out of her mouth.
"Dani! Dani just wait okay? Wait. It's not your time yet." I feel her hand slip from my face as I hug her close to me crying.

"No no no, you can't be gone Daniela. Y-you c-cant... just.." I yell out in pain, I lost her... I lot the only person I really cared about.
The only humanity I had was gone.
I hug her closely until I hear his voice, I set her down gently as Bonnie sobs taking her.

I turn to the man that killed her, the man that tore my happiness away since day one.
"This is why you don't fall in love malakai, because every time you do. I will be there to destroy it." I yell in rage as I run towards him muttering a spell.
I get the same sharp pain making me fall on my knees.

2 updates in the same day anyways Thank you all for the support ahhhh, here's another chapter I was kind of in a rush so it might be a little cringe but I hope you enjoy it

Big thanks to

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