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You know those fleeting times in life when everything seems to be falling into place so perfectly? Like you and your life were once a jumbled puzzle made up of countless pieces that could never be put together but then the universe suddenly flips ...

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You know those fleeting times in life when everything seems to be falling into place so perfectly? Like you and your life were once a jumbled puzzle made up of countless pieces that could never be put together but then the universe suddenly flips a switch and your puzzle starts to form together so tremendously. It has you feeling a new sense of joy, one that's a little unfamiliar because for the longest time, this all seemed so far away. It can pick you up to such a high position. You swear to yourself that life can't seem to get better and then it does.

What a wondrous thing to experience.

It was during this peak of happiness, you'd also met your current boyfriend, Corpse. He'd been a wish on a shooting star that had been granted true to you by whatever cosmic guardians were watching over you. Yet another piece of your puzzle that had connected so naturally.

However, this type of happiness can be dangerous because the higher up you find yourself, the harder and faster you can fall. And fall you did.

Just as it was feeling as if your puzzle had been almost completed, the universe dropped you and you fell into thousands of new pieces for a new puzzle that would be even harder to complete. And it seemed that anytime you were active in trying anything to make progress through this complicated time, you were halted. It was an exhausting loop you were caught in, like you were stuck in quicksand and it wasn't quite strong enough to suck you all the way under, but it was strong enough to keep you from making an escape.

One thing stayed consistent for you through this, Corpse.

And each day you spent him, he'd notice the changes that mirrored how you were feeling and with how each knock back you encountered, it diminished your light even further. Your replies were shorter when you messaged him, you'd laugh a little less at something that would normally bring you to tears from laughing, he'd catch your eyes slowly glaze over as you stared at nothing for prolonged amounts of time, you weren't really answering your friends calls and you were even forgetting to drink water.

The only thing you had really been doing lately was playing Animal Crossing, after months of not going on the game, you'd decided to go back and it was one of the only things you could control when your life seemed to be out of your hands.

So when Corpse came out of his streaming room he wasn't surprised to hear the faint tune of the calming game playing from your switch. And although you held the console in your hands, he noticed your eyes were trained out the window.

"What's on your mind, baby?" He let his presence be known, but you didn't even flinch, you didn't hear him at all, he gathered that you must have really been lost in your own thoughts.

So instead of speaking, he stepped closer until he could bend over and interrupt your staring by using his own face to cut off your vision by forcing you to look at him. A small smile that was tainted with his sadness for you graced his face as he watched you blink multiple times and join him back in present time.

"Hi." You greeted him.


"Your streams done already?"

"What do you mean already?"

"That was a quick one."

"I was in there for almost five hours." His tone was heavy with concern.

"Oh." You frowned in confusion and he lost your vision as you looked down at the switch in your hands. It had become nighttime on your Animal Crossing Island and last time you checked it was still daylight in the game.

"What were you doing?"

"I was..." You trailed off and moved your little character around, you were still standing in an overgrown flower field. "I was going to fix up my flowers, but," you shrugged a shoulder, "guess I can't do that right, either." You sighed and Corpse felt his heart ache, how badly he wanted you to be able to see yourself the way he did.


"Corpse, please, I love you and I so appreciate you being here for me, but I don't need another pick me up. Just let me be sad right now." You cut him off, looking back up at him and it was his turn to sigh as he held your eye contact. He was paused on what to respond to you with, truth being told, he was feeling so powerless in ways to help you. He wished he could say a magic word or snap his fingers and turn your mood around, bring back the sunshine in you that was normally so present.

"Okay." He simply responded, he just hoped in due time, you'd come back to him. He knew you weren't completely overboard, you were normally so optimistic and he hoped that prominent trait of yours was strong enough to keep you afloat through this confusing period in your life.

So for a moment, he just watched you divert your attention back to your Nintendo Switch and he watched as you turned the joystick to move your character around the flower field that had grown so out of hand. You weren't even holding your shovel in the game and he noticed the distress displayed on your face, he couldn't let one of your only comfort things right now also add to the list of things that were causing you grief right now.

"Give it to me." Corpse sat down beside you and took the device from your grasp.

"What are you doing?"

"Helping you." Briefly, he'd turn his head and press a kiss on your forehead and you'd smile back at him and scoot in closer to his side, leaning your head on his shoulder and watching the screen as he went to work in sorting out the flowers on your island.

On the third time of him filling up your characters pockets with flowers, you'd speak up again. "Corpse,"

"Hold on, I'm gaming."

"No, Corpse," you'd laugh and tug on his arm a little. "Look at me." And so he did, a smile matching your own because he was so happy to hear you laugh. "Thank you." You told him, looking back and forth between his eyes. "For everything."

And he'd momentarily remove one of his hands from the switch, instead bringing it up to cup your cheek. "You really don't have to thank me."

"But I want to." You'd rebuttal and then he'd lean in to kiss you, your eyes fluttering shut as his mouth met yours. How much you loved him was made up of healing powers, how he knew exactly what you needed in this moment was his own magic. You might've been lost in life right now, with a new more intense puzzle that needed to be figured out, but Corpse was your skylight that could always be seen in the darkness. His perfect chaos stronger than all others. "I love you." You'd tell him after the kiss ended, your nose still brushing against his.

"I love you, too." He'd peck your lips one last time and then he'd say something that would make you laugh again, "now don't interrupt me again, I'm a professional gamer, baby."

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