Stay With Me Forever

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You'd obviously known how significant this day was for Corpse

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You'd obviously known how significant this day was for Corpse. You also knew how scary it was for him, so you were going to do whatever made him feel best.

He went on his own to the appointment. A choice he made and you were understanding. You would've been understanding of whatever he wanted with this day.

The first thing you did once he had left was remake the bed. You always loved the feeling of fresh sheets and blankets and if it could help Corpse get any kind of rest after some sleepless nights, you'd feel more content. After that, you tried to do some work while he was gone, but you couldn't get anything done, physically you were sat at your computer, but your mind was with Corpse.

Eventually, he'd send you a text.

'be home pls'

And of course you would be, you weren't going to risk stepping out even if you thought you'd only be five minutes just in case Corpse had arrived home during that time and needed you.

'already here'

You'd reply. He didn't say a lot in his message but you knew him sending it meant he must have really wanted you there.

However, now you were fretting. What if something had gone wrong? Your mind continued to run over an endless amount of worries. You'd lost track of time doing so and it only stopped when the front door opened.

"What happened? Are you okay?" You'd blurt out instead of saying hello as you stood to your feet. You couldn't help it, you'd just let your mind run wild and seeing Corpse enter through the doorway was a mix of relief and nervousness.

"Don't really wanna talk about it right now." He'd mumble a little quietly, closing and locking the front door behind him. And as much as you wanted answers to your own questions that had bubbled in your brain, you knew you needed to be empathetic to him right now.

"Sorry." You'd apologise as he walked further inside, but he wasn't heading for you. And for a second, you felt disappointment. You only wanted to be with him right now, make sure he was okay and there after worrying about him.

Just as he was about to enter the small hallway, he'd look to you. "Come lay down with me?"

You'd smile and nod and your feet would follow his. Your heart immediately feeling lifted after the brief sadness.

Silently, the two of you made your way to bed and you were so happy you'd made the decision to refresh the bedding.

"You made the bed?"


"Thank you, baby."

"It's okay."

You both laid on your own sides, but towards the middle so you could be close to each other. And you were both on your sides, facing one another. Corpse had already shut his eyes. His lack of sleep and today must have really tired him out. But your eyes were opened, trailing over his features and wanting to memorise every last detail.

"I can feel you staring." He'd call you out, still with his eyes closed and your eyes would look down to his lips to see them pulled into a small smile.

"Can't help it." You'd respond, your hand coming up so you could run your fingertip ever so gently around his face, wishing that the touch granted you some kind of magical power so you could find out what had happened today. But that was for Corpse to know, and he'd tell you when he was ready. "I'm happy you're here." You whispered that, and your tone had some vulnerability to it.

Corpse would open his eyes then, finding your gaze and his hand would grasp onto yours so he was able to pull it to his mouth to press a line of kisses along your finger that had been tracing along his skin ever so lightly. "I'm not going anywhere."

"Good, you better not." You'd expressed to him only once before when you were drunk that you were deathly afraid to lose him. So when you said things like this, he knew it came from that worry. So he'd move in closer towards you then, his face close enough now that the very tips of your noses brushed. His arms under the covers would twist around your middle and pull you in even closer.

"I'm here." He'd assure you.

You'd nod and then close the space between your mouths and kiss him with so much emotion. The both of you were only sharing a few words, so you let your lips do the expressing. You'd cup his jaw and his arms would tighten around you. You were pulling each other in, showing the other how important they were with a shared moment between your lips.

When you both broke apart, you'd both relax back onto your pillows. And after one last fleeting glance at each other, the both of you would allow your eyes to close that time.

After a few minutes of silence, you'd speak up just one last time. "Stay with me forever."

Corpse would peek a look at you with one eye, only to find yours still closed. He knew you were worried for him and it must have been playing in your mind quite a bit but you were trying to be respectful of him and not push when he didn't want to speak about it, which he appreciated. Instead of verbally responding, he'd bump his nose against yours and push one of his legs between yours, increasing the physical closeness of the two you even more so. And just before he shut his eye again, he'd peck your lips again. Relaxing into the fresh sheets, he concentrated on the feeling of having you all wrapped up in his limbs, you'd never understand how you were the perfection distraction from his worries, how you made him feel so much better.

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