pet names

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The go to. It's highly possible he calls you this more than your actual name. It comes out in a relaxed way but also when emotions are heightened. You've heard in a multitude of ways, but you would never get sick of hearing it. For some examples, in the mornings, it's given in a greeting to start the day, lowered and deep. In frustration during an argument, it's rushed.


Not your favourite. also not his favourite, you only really hear it if he's a little drunk and his words are slurred and he's feeling a little too lazy to add the extra syllable to make it the full baby.


A little bit on the dramatic side, and a little bit on the prince charming side. He'd pull this one out after he's watched something that's made him feel romantic. It's a rarity.


Hear me out, it's when he's feeling more playful, he's teasing you. When you're playing uno and you've beaten him six times in a row and then finally on the seventh round, he gets his win. "That's right, you're my bitch."


You hear it at three very distinctive moments. The first, when you're a little bit more dressed up than usual, maybe before going to an event. "Princess, you look so beautiful." The second, when you're hangry and you know you're being unreasonable, but you can't stop and you've also got your period and eventually the frustration of it all leads to tears. "Oh princess, please don't cry, I'm gonna get you whatever you want, okay?" The third, when you're wrapped up in each other, clothes discarded on the floor and his hands are tangled in your hair. "You feel so good, princess."


He only tried this once. It weirded you out because that's what members of your family called you when you were little and it doesn't sound right coming from him.


Sometimes when he's greeting you, he'll replace baby with kid. And when you're doubting yourself, like maybe you're really struggling with an assignment from uni, he'll say it when he reassures you. "You got this, kid."


When he's feeling vulnerable and you're comforting him, maybe his anxiety is weighing on him heavier on a particular day and you hold him tighter in your arms when you cuddle, he'd say it with a grateful tone. "Thank you, angel."

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