Paint Wars Part 1

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Third wheeling had never really bothered you before. Partly because you were the type of person who could make your own fun. But also because you were so close with your friends that you normally did become friends with the people they were dating, too. So hanging out with a couple never really felt like third feeling for you.

Except today, you were feeling a little ruffled about it.

It was meant to be such a good day. Currently, you were out with your best friend and the person she was seeing - someone in which you'd started to become friends with - and the three of you were painting at the park. An afternoon of painting and sharing a bottle of wine was an activity in which you did with your friends every now and again and if someone happened to be seeing someone, they were welcome to bring them along. You'd always thought that the person you were dating would experience it too, except he wasn't.

Corpse was at his place.

You'd attempted to involve him earlier.


"Please come, it'll be fun, I promise." Your voice was still upbeat then as you spoke to Corpse on the phone, trying to persuade him into joining you.

"I won't have fun." He was holding his ground firmly.

"Not with that attitude, you won't." Yet again, you were still trying to joke around, hoping it would make him feel better. It didn't.

"It's more than just an attitude, (Y/N)." He responded so glumly.

You sighed in response and looked at your phone screen, it showed you'd been on the phone for 23 minutes, pretty much all of which was you trying to get your boyfriend to come have some fun with you. You knew it was hard for him, you'd been so understanding, but you couldn't deny you'd gotten your hopes up that today would have been an easy enough outing for him to participate. You were tempted to press the red hang up button because he was bringing your mood down and today was meant to be a good day. But his voice came through the speaker on the phone call again before you could.

"How about, you go have fun and you can come round here after and show me your painting."

"No." You knew he was trying to make you feel better this time, but that wasn't a compromise you wanted to take part in.

"Why not?"

"What if I want to keep hanging out with my friends after we're done?"

"Then hang out, I don't mind."

"That's the issue, you should mind, you should want to spend time with me."

"I do want to spend time with you."

"Then do it!" You got a little louder that time, frustration filling you.

He sighed that time. No one was winning this conversation that was quickly turning into an argument. So you decided to try again.

"My friends are good people, Corpse, I've known them forever, you'd really like them and they'd liked you. They wouldn't say or do anything that-"

"I fucking know, okay?!" He cut you off, and it seemed it was his turn to raise his voice. "Fuck, (Y/N), I know. You talk about them all the fucking time. I get it, you've got these fucking amazing people in your life and I just can't fucking compete."

"What the fuck?" You couldn't help but to respond, you knew his anxiety was getting the better of him but he snapped at you and now you were snapping back. "You're seriously angry at me for having good friends?"

"No!" He yelled then and even through a phone call it caught you by surprise.

"Then why are you yelling at me right now?!" You questioned him, ironically also beginning to yell.

Corpse Husband x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now