See You In The Morning

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Long distance sucked.

It was hard, it was exhausting, it was heart-wrenching, it was emotional.

But if you found the right person - which you had - it was worth it.

Even if Corpse lived on Neptune and you lived on Mercury, you'd still put in all the time and effort that long distance took in order to make things work.

Over the last couple months, everything that could go wrong, seemed to go wrong. You'd been struggling quite a lot and Corpse seemed to be thriving. And god, you were happy for him, but god, you wished you were with him so you could share his happiness.

And he did too.

Which is why a week ago, he'd told you to come visit him.


"Just come." Corpse had told you, and how badly you wanted to say yes.

"I can't, Corpse, I got class and shit."

"Fuck class, missing one week won't matter." He'd been noticing you struggling lately, every facetime call you were always chewing at your finger nails or picking at them. A habit that Corpse had noticed you only really gave into when you were a ball of stress. "You need a break, baby."

He was right, you did. Plus, he really missed you and he couldn't give you the comfort you so clearly needed when you were so far away.

So you ended up booking a flight while on that call with him.

"Why are you crying?" He questioned you when he noticed one tear fall from your eyes that had welled up just after your booking was confirmed.

"I think because I feel so relieved." You responded honestly and a smile pulled your lips up. "I'm not sad, I'm excited to see you."

Corpse mirrored your smile. "I'm excited, too."


And that's how you found yourself beside him in his bed. It was the earliest hours of the morning, but you two were up late. The moonlight that was creeping in through the slight crack in his curtain illuminating the edges of your faces just enough so that you could see each other.

"You can go to sleep," Corpse had noticed that now your blinks were lasting for longer amounts of time, your eyes struggling to stay open. "I'll still be here in the morning."

"Want to keep talking to you." You were fighting sleep, you were exhausted both from everything that was happening in your life but also a day of travel was always tiring. The afternoon and night you had spent together had been so perfect, though, you wanted it to keep going.

Corpse laughed quietly, his arm tightened around you slightly. "We can talk all day. And all week." He assured you. "You're so tired, baby, you need rest."

"Hm, yeah." Wou were so close to sleep so you knew he was right. You hadn't gotten a really good nights sleep in quite some time and you had a feeling being beside him was going to allow you to have a solids night rest.

Finally, you let your eyes remain close with one final blink. But not before you scooted in to be right beside him. Your arms twisting around him and your legs tying with his under the blanket.

Corpse smiled as you clung to him so tightly and he only pulled you in more with his own limbs, enjoying the proximity after being so far apart. "See you in the morning." He promised with one final goodnight kiss.

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