Carry On

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a bunch of concepts of corpse picking u up

the first time

It's quick and enough to leave your mind wondering about what else he could do. You're at his place and the both of you aren't the best in the kitchen but tonight you decided to make a meal together. A learning experience. But you're getting a little restless and boy oh boy you're in a 'I know I'm being really annoying but I just can't stop being annoying' mood. And so you're doing little things like poking his side. Or when he asks you to retrieve something you're deliberately getting something else. But he's had enough when he's about to chop something and you decide on playing a game of chicken by whipping your hand out over the chopping board. He'd place the knife down and suddenly his hands are on the sides of you and he's hoisting you up on a part of the bench that's close enough to still watch but far enough away that you can't reach anything to keep pestering. "Don't move." He'd tell you, along with a chaste kiss against the corner of your mouth. And you listen. Because you knew you were being annoying as hell and also because it's the first time he's ever really lifted you and you're a little thrown off but also excited.

koala cling

When you haven't seen him in almost two months. And fuck did you miss him so much. You'd jump into him and if he wasn't ready for it, the two of you would've fallen over. But he was so ready, because fuck, he missed you too. Your arms would wrap so tightly around his neck and your ankles would cross behind him to lock your legs around his middle. His arms would link so unbreakably around your waist. But even if he was to let go, you wouldn't go anywhere, you were clinging onto him for dear life.

the jellyfish sting

Holy shit it took you so long to convince Corpse to go to the beach with you. And of course the one day he finally agrees, it's the day a jellyfish wraps itself around your leg and stings you to hell and back. He would be sitting on a towel, not quite ready to venture into the ocean like you did right away. And it seemed he made the right choice because it was only a few minutes later you were doing an awkward run out of the water and once you'd hit the shore you'd drop down and try to unravel the sea creature from around your leg. He'd hear your sounds of pain and hurry down and at first he's really not sure what to do. But once he saw the red straps of pain that were quickly forming into welts on your skin, he'd scoop you up. One hand around your back and the other under your knees. He's extra careful to not bump the stings. There's no life guards around because you came to a more secluded beach where not a lot of people went so he'd carry you to the car and place you inside ever so cautiously.


He'd gotten a call at 1am. Actually, he'd gotten about five calls. The first four kept ending quickly because your drunken self would get distracted by one of your fellow drunk friends saying something and you'd accidentally hang up on Corpse. Only to call him back a minute later. Eventually, he'd come to learn the point of the call was you wanting to be picked up. And so there you were in his passenger seat on the way home, drunkenly babbling about the antics you and your friends had gotten up to. He was taking you back to his place because it was closer. Once you both got there, he lost patience with your slow, drunk stumble kind of walk and instead, hoisted you up in his arms, deciding it was going to be the quicker and more safer way for you to make it to his front door.

over shoulder

You're both in chaotic yet playful moods. And it's lead to a game of murder in the dark. Corpse is too good at being it. Each time he finds you, He gives you a scare bigger than the last. This time is no different. He's spotted you and he's creeping up ever so silently and when he's within reach, he yells and uses his strength to lift you up over his shoulder. You yelp at the sudden fright, but laughs quickly follow as you dangle over him from where he's placed you. "I don't think murder in the dark is meant to be a contact sport."

a piggy back

The sun is going down. The sky looks to be hand painted in pinks and oranges by mother nature herself. You were so distracted by the beautiful visuals that you hadn't felt your legs going to sleep in your cross legged position. It didn't help that Corpse was in front of you, leaning back against your legs and front, sending them further into numbness. You were feeling too content, looking at one of your favourite things to look at and having one of your favourite people in your arms. He hops up first when the sunset is almost gone completely. Turning to look at you with a questioning look when you don't make any effort to move. "I will literally fall over and die." You over dramatise. He laughs but then he's crouching back down in front of you. "Hop on." And so you do. Your arms wrapping loosely around his neck and your legs hooking over his hips. He'd be sure to get a good grip on your thighs before standing to his full height, shuffling you up a little higher so you could lean comfortably against his back and leave some sweet kisses to the back of his neck.


You could almost fall asleep in your current position. Sun baking was not good for your skin, but you couldn't deny that you loved the feeling of laying out by a pool and feeling the sun beaming down on you. That is until a familiar pair of arms are slinking around you and a familiar laugh is sounding out as you gasp in surprise at the sudden lift. "Corpse, no-" But it was all so quick, the hold he had to lift you from your sun baking spot is quickly gone as he instead tosses you right into the pool.

am baby

You were fast asleep on the couch. He knew this would happen. You only had two more episodes left of a show you were watching and you were positive you could stay awake for them. But there he found you after he showered, eyes closed, slow deep breaths leaving your slightly parted lips, sleeping soundly and missing the episode you had assured him You were going to stay awake for. Had the couch been a little bigger, he'd leave you there. But the two seater would cause you to awake feeling all stiff and sore. He turned off Netflix first before concentrating on picking you up. "Mmm, lemme' sleep." You'd whine out croakily, being stirred awake upon feeling his arms slip underneath you. "Gotta get you to bed, baby." He'd respond. "Gonna pick u up, okay?" He'd give you a warning before making sure his arms were around your relaxed body securely to lift you up safely. The movement would wake you a little more but you'd quickly find yourself now resting against Corpse. Your torso pressed against his as he held you like a baby. He'd be leaning back slightly to support your deadweight, sleepy self. A smile present on his face as he could feel your slow, deep breaths fan over his neck as you rested your head on his shoulder as he carried you to bed.

playtime in bed

I know what you're thinking and stop it!!!! lmao. You were mindlessly watching instagram stories in bed when you came across someone doing acroyoga. "Look," you tilt your phone screen towards Corpse and he see's the look on your face. "We can't do that." "Why?! It'll be fun, let's just try once." And he really struggles saying no to you when you get all excited and that's how the two of you found yourself in this position. Him flat on his back with his arms stretched upright to where his hands held tightly onto yours. His legs were also up, his feet pressed into your hips as he started to lift you higher. "Isn't yoga meant to be relaxing?" He'd question, because all he could focus on was not dropping you and it was stressing him out while you just found the whole thing too funny and couldn't stop laughing. "Lift me higher."

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