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little spoon:

You've had a really big day. Physically and emotionally, you're exhausted. Everything felt like it took ten hours to do. It dragged on for far too long. Everything felt like it was stressing you out. It's not that you were even really upset or mad or anything. You were just tired.

'can u come over tonight pls' You texted corpse from the parking lot of the grocery store. You were planning on getting some groceries on your way home, but once you pulled up, it felt like way too much to handle.

You'd pull up to your place and there he'd be. Your angel of the night dressed in all black, shining in the moonlight.

A 'hello' kiss, an 'are you okay' kiss, an 'i'm so happy to be with you right now' kiss all mixed into one before the two of you would make your way inside.

It doesn't take long for you to get ready for bed tonight, the first thing all day that doesn't feel like it took forever. You're too ready for it and you release a sign of content upon seeing him waiting for you in bed.

"C'mon, baby." He's tired too, his voice that's lowered more than normal is showing that. He'd lift one of his arms and you are so happy to accept the invitation to snuggle.

You hit the mattress and he's pulling you in. A strong arm wrapped so securely around your middle as your back is flushed against his front. His warmth radiating onto you as your legs so easily curve with his. Your fingers link with his. A fingertip belonging to his other hand moves ever so gently over your neck, moving your hair out of the way. Your eyes flutter close as a familiar pair of lips become present against the back of your neck. A quiet whisper of goodnight & sweet dreams mumbled out between sweet pecks against your soft skin.

big spoon:

It had been such a good night. You grew up playing board games, it was a family thing that followed you into adulthood, you went from playing with your parents and siblings to then having board game nights with your friends regularly. So of course it was something you wanted to do with your boyfriend, too.

Quality time with your lover, doing your favourite activity. It was your ideal date night. And things had started out so well, but now Corpse was sulking.

You knew it wasn't anything super serious, he was used to winning a lot, but you seemed to have something over him when it came to board games.

Once you had packed up the stack of games, you made your way towards your room. Corpse had announced he was tired and he was going to bed after yet another loss, you knew if he was really mad, he would've gone back to his own place. But there he was, his black mop of curls peeking out from your pink-cat covered duvet cover. He was a contrast in your bedroom.


"No." He cut you off swiftly.

"But you-"

"Don't want to talk about it."

"You know you're being-"

"Don't care."

A smile still played on your lips. You couldn't deny that you were feeling great after all those wins and seeing him in this childish mood was quite humorous.

"I love you." You said it quick enough that he wouldn't be able to cut you off. But he didn't respond.

"I love you." You repeated, a little louder this time, stepping closer to the bed. Still he was stubborn in his silence.

Finally, lifting the quilt, you laid down and scooted in next to him in your bed. You mirrored his position so you could slot yourself against him so closely. Wrapping your arm around him and nudging the back of his neck with your nose. Pleasantly breathing in the smell of his freshly washed hair.

Lifting your head briefly, you'd leave a kiss just below his ear.

"I love you." You'd repeat for a third time, so quietly as if it was the most precious secret in the world.

"I love you, too." Corpse would break his silence, one of his hands finding yours that was draped over him so he could intertwine your fingers.

"Even when i destroy you at board games?"

"Shut the fuck up."

Corpse Husband x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now