Golden Hour

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Sometimes you found yourself questioning why genealogy had to work the way it did. Like when you would drop things out of your hands for no reason or trip on something that wasn't even there, you knew it was because you had inherited your fathers clumsiness. Sometimes you'd catch yourself talking with your hands when you were really into a conversation topic, something you'd inherited from your mother.

But the thing you really hated that you had inherited was the headache and migraine trait.

Sometimes the headaches would come out of no where, but other times, they could be triggered. You knew the difference between an out of the blue headache and a stress induced headache.

It seemed that today, as golden hour was just beginning to hit, signalling that it was almost nightfall, you were feeling a stress induced headache approaching.

More bad news had come your way today and when you wanted to crawl up into a ball and ignore the world and cry it out, you couldn't. You still had responsibilities to take care of. And so you did.

Finally when you had arrived back to your place, you were so drained you hadn't even stopped to look at the sunset. You always normally did, you loved to admire the natural beauty that this planet had to offer, but today you were too distracted by your own minds busyness to take notice. Corpse noticed that, despite you not even noticing him, yet.

You'd been messaging him today about everything and he had cancelled his plans to be there for you. You hadn't asked him to be with you tonight because you knew he was busy and you didn't want to burden him. But he wanted to be there for you.

"You're missing the pretty sky." Corpse spoke up when he realised you really were making a bee line for your front door.

You halted in your tracks immediately at that one of a kind voice, head snapping up and spotting your boyfriend. He was such a contrast against the golden hour, dressed in all black and sounding the way he did. He looked like he belonged in moonlight, but he was a shining light for you. Especially right now. "You're here."

"Yeah, baby." He confirmed with a smile, moving closer towards you. "Hope I'm not just barging in."

"No, no, I just thought you had stuff going on."

"You're more important."


After greeting each other, you held his hand so tightly as he came inside your place with you. The both of you knew it was your unspoken way of letting him know how grateful you truly were that he had shown up.

Corpse waited for you on your couch that sat by the window as you darted around your apartment, putting things away and then popping some painkillers in your mouth and swallowing them down with a large drink of water.

"You okay?" He asked after watching you do that.

"Just a headache."

"Get over here."

And so you did, Corpse moved to sit sideways so he could lean back against the arm of the couch, and when you were stood in front of him, his hands gently guided you to sit in front of him, his legs either side of you. And when you were comfortable, his hands went to work to unwrap the scrunchie that was keeping your hair up.

"Had this in long?" He asked, knowing you had a habit of putting all your hair up when you were a little busier or stressed than usual, it was one thing you could control and you preferred it not to be falling all in front of your face when you had other things to concentrate on.

"All day." You answered him and he gave you a simple,

"Hmm," in response. He assumed the headache you'd told him about would be both in parts of the stressful day you'd had and also because you'd had your hair up all day.

Slowly, he'd finally free your hair from the srunchie, keeping his movements cautious as to not pull and give you anymore pain. And once your hair was free and all out, you'd sigh.

Instinctively, you'd start to raise your own hands to scratch at your tender scalp but Corpse halted your movements.

"Hey, hey, just relax." He'd tell you before pulling you back against him more and you hadn't realised how the tension today had made its way into your body and left it tense too. "You just watch the sunset, I'm here." He assured you, his lips brushing the shell of your ear.

And so you let yourself relax finally. Corpse replaced your hand with his own in your hair and his fingers started to work magic as they ever so gently scratched at your scalp. You let your eyes drift out your window, you took in the view of what was left of the sunset, finally feeling some peace as you rested against your lover while he continued to massage his way through your hair, shooing the tightness and strain of the headache away with his soothing touch.

"Thank you for being here." You'd express your appreciation, tilting your neck so you could look at him.

And he'd meet your gaze, and you'd feel so mesmerised by the captured eyesight and his hand still running healing movements through your hair. "Of course, baby."

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