Pre/Post Stream

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- You'd stayed over at his the night before and he woke up a little earlier then you but he stayed in bed with you until you woke up

- Spend the morning talking/laughing/touching

- He'd mention his preferred group of people to play with

- You'd make a joke about how it's like group work with uni. There's a thousand bad groups but every now and then you find one gold group and get an amazing mark together

- You'd bring your laptop over because you plan on doing work while he'd be streaming

- He'd ask about what you were planning on working on today, and he listens so intently when you explain to him

- You're making your own little set up on a stool at his kitchen bench

- He'd come and hug you from behind, kisses being left along the back of your neck

- You'd turn your head to have one final goodbye kiss on the lips before he disappears behind a closed door

- You'd rush in with a big bottle of water only a minute later and place it on his desk and turn to make your way out

- He'd grab your hand and pull on it and you turn to find his face tilted up, the kiss from before wasn't the goodbye kiss as you give him another

- Now you walk out of the room and leave him be, smiles on both of your faces

- A text 'miss u already'

- A text back 'miss u more'

- After about three hours, you start to wonder where is he. He's not normally this long

- You click onto his stream on your phone to check on him without disturbing him and are so happy to hear how happy he is

- Finally he emerges and he's not worn out or stressed, he's in such a good mood

- You finished doing work a while ago, it's much later now and you're in his bed just sending tik toks to your best friend

- 'Hi baby' You look up upon hearing his voice, heart feeling so warm at how at peace he seemed right now

- You'd place your phone down to focus on him, greeting him back and laughing as he basically leaps onto the bed and you

- His head rests on your chest and your hands comb through his curly locks

- 'Good stream?'

- 'Really fucking good'

- And then he'd tell you all about it as you held each other

- You're happy he's happy

- It's a good night

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