It's Been a While

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You'd found yet another reflective surface to look at yourself in. Part of you wish you hadn't because the more you looked, the more things you noticed you didn't like and the more you convinced yourself you didn't look good. You'd already changed your outfit eight different times, and honestly it would have been more had you had more clothes available in your suitcase, but you were only here for the weekend and you'd already overpacked for that. Besides that, you had to redo your hair a couple of times too. Because of it getting messed up with the outfit changes and you didn't want to go over that again, you would make yourself later for the event then you already were.

However this time, you couldn't change even if you did have more clothes available, for you weren't at your hotel room anymore and the reflective surface you were looking in was the wall of the elevator taking you up to the floor of the party.

You'd been in this elevator once before, taking you to a party to the same place the one was tonight and you had been nervous for a different reason. But that was a long time ago, and you were much happier and you weren't standing here alone like you were now, you were standing with him. With Corpse.


"What if they don't like me?"

"Honey." Corpse shut his eyes and released a deep breath as he slightly dropped his head back. He was positive this had to be about the thirtieth time you'd ask him this question today. But he knew you were feeling anxious, he could see it in the way you chewed on your bottom lip and continuously balled your hands into fists. And he wanted you to feel reassured, so once again, he'd go over the almost exact conversation the two of you had, had every time you'd ask him this today. "They like you already." He'd respond, while opening his eyes and picking his head back up to hold eye contact with you.

"But it's different."

"No it's not."

"They've only met me online."

"And they love you online."

"But what if they only love me online," You were talking about his friends he'd met through streaming, and sure they had become your friends too through your time streaming, but you knew they were friends with Corpse first and this would be your first time meeting them in person. "what if they meet me in real life and hate me?"

"How could anyone hate you?"

It was almost word for word the same conversation you'd had only moments ago in the car, and just like in the car, you huffed and looked away from your boyfriend. You wanted to believe him, but you were believing your irrational thoughts more.

And there you went again, bringing your bottom lip between your teeth however this time, Corpse brought his hand to your jaw and brought your vision back to his. His eyes were on your mouth and he placed his thumb on your lip, puling your bottom lip back out. "You gotta stop doing that, you'll hurt yourself and wake up with a bruised lip." His thumb grazed over your tender bottom lip. "It's already swollen and extra red."

"I'm nervous."

"I know." Then he kissed you. And fuck, his mouth meshing with yours always made you feel better.


But he wasn't with you to do that now, he hadn't been for a long time. Shaking your head, you finally pulled your eyes from your own reflection to stop anymore of the insults you were giving to yourself and instead, to the little screen that displayed the floor numbers. You were going to the top level and as the numbers continued ascending, so did your anxiety.

Tonight would be the night you'd see Corpse again. It was strange how once you were convinced you couldn't go one single day without him, how you once thought you'd spend the rest of your life with him but now he was your ex boyfriend. You hadn't seen him since that fateful day that was almost eleven months ago now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2022 ⏰

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