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You were fighting sleep and it was beginning to show. Your eyes had become glassy, you couldn't go two minutes without yawning, your words were starting to slow, you'd gone from sitting up on the couch to slowly slouching down until you were laying down and you'd just dropped your phone on your face for the second time.

"Ow." You whined out. And after rubbing over your face, your tired eyes found your boyfriends eyes looking back at you from his spot on the couch.

"Just go to sleep, baby, you're so tired." Corpse spoke as his hand rubbed over your leg that was draped over his lap. He'd told you about his plans for a 3am stream and you offered to be by his side in case he became anxious in the earliest hours of the morning, he was looking forward to you being with him for it until he saw how badly you were struggling to stay awake. Usually you were a bit of a night owl - perhaps not to the same extent as your boyfriend - but this morning you'd had to wake up extra early and it really messed with your plan to stay awake with Corpse.

"I'm okay."

"You know you'll wind up with a headache if you force yourself to stay awake."

"I'm fine, I'm watching my show, it'll keep me awake."

"Tell me what's happened in the last five minutes." He was testing you because he knew damn well that when you watched anything half asleep, you weren't ever paying enough attention. You had a habit of forcing yourself to stay awake for the last episode or two of a season when you were doing a binge watch of something, only to find yourself rewatching them the next day anyway, because you couldn't really remember what happened with a sleepy mind.

"Well," You looked at the television to look for some kind of clue, only to find that it had been paused. "It's paused."

"You didn't even notice I paused it?"

"No...well, I mean, I did now."

"(Y/N)," Corpse sighed, and he reached his other hand out to your face to hold your face gently around your jaw, turning your head back to face his. "Let me take you to bed, you need some sleep."

"I'll be okay."

"I know you will be, but you'll be a lot better not being exhausted."

You knew what he was saying was right but it was already 1:30am, you kept telling yourself you could make another hour and a half for his stream to start. "I told you I'd stay awake with you."

"You don't have to worry about me."

"But I do."

"I know, and I worry about you, too, which is why I want you to be sleeping right now." Corpse ended the brief back and forth. But you didn't really have it in you to argue seeing as though you really were tired. It had been a pretty big day for you, it was just bad timing that it had been the same day before Corpse's all nighter stream. You sighed and pouted out your bottom lip, to which Corpse smiled at you and his index finger flicked your bottom lip down further before letting it spring back up and you both giggled lazily.

"I am really tired." You confirmed.

"I know."

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay up with you?"

"Not if it's this much of a struggle for you."

"You won't be mad at me?"

"I will be furious." Suddenly his grip tightened on your jaw and your eyes went wide for a moment. To which Corpse laughed, you always were so gullible when tired. "Baby, I'm kidding, of course I won't be mad."

Your eyes relaxed back into their tired state and his hand moved up the side of your face to rub along your cheek. You turned your head briefly in order to leave a soft kiss against the inside of his palm.

"You'll be okay?" You asked him.


"Come lay down with me while I fall asleep?"

With a confirmation from him, you'd made your way to bed, and Corpse had come to lay with you, but it seemed that you pretty much fell asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow. Proving just how tired you were. But he stayed with you for as long as he could, enjoying the serenity that came with you being in your most peaceful state. His heart warmed that you trusted him to be present with you in what was also a vulnerable state and how he'd swear he'd do all he could to protect you when he saw you like this, no other sound audible other than the quiet breaths that fell from your slightly parted lips. As he looked at your closed eyelids, he imagined what you would be dreaming about, how he wished that when he ever so carefully traced his fingertips around your relaxed features he could be grated access to your dreamland.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded from Corpse's phone. "Fuck-" He hissed quietly, reaching for his phone to shut it off, not wanting it to disturb you. It was his reminder that he had to go and stream soon. Looking back to you, he noticed your eyebrows had furrowed ever so slightly, a threat that you were close to being awoken by the alarm. "Sorry, baby." He whispered so hushed that even if you were awake, you probably wouldn't have heard it. As things remained silent once more, he saw you visibly relax again and he knew that as he cautiously got up from the bed to make his way to his computer, you were venturing back to your dreams.


By the time Corpse's stream had finished, the sun had woken up, it was officially daylight. He was feeling a little strange with the timing, and he felt as if he should be going to be sleep with the end of a stream, but he knew he most likely wouldn't. However, there was something about going to bed that he had been looking forward to, it had remained in the back of his thoughts throughout the stream and that was the idea of crawling into bed beside you. Opening the bedroom door, a smile was present on his face as you were still there and still so serene. Your complete current energy of calm also bringing Corpse peace. He'd seen you in this sleeping state only hours earlier in the moonlight, but there was something about the early hours of morning daylight seeping in through the curtains that made you look so warm.

After discarding his clothes, he crept into bed as heedfully as he could in an effort to not disturb you. However, as he settled in beside you, he heard you sigh and let out a sleepy groan. Briefly, you opened one eye before quickly shutting it upon feeling the morning sun attack your just-woken-up eyesight.

"Good morning, baby." Corpse had caught your eye that had quickly peeked open.

"Mm, mornin'." You greeted him back, your voice croaky with sleep.

"Sorry for waking you up." Corpse apologised, however, selfishly he was a little happy you had stirred awake, because he took the opportunity to twist his arms around you and pull you in against him, giving into his want to cuddle you close.

"S'okay." You weren't annoyed at all, in fact, you were so happy to have him back in bed with you. His arms coming around you were more than welcomed by you and you nuzzled in even closer to rest your face under his chin and against his neck. "Missed you." You mumbled against his skin. Sleeping with Corpse by your side had become such a comfort for you. Much like how someone misses their bed when staying somewhere else, you now missed having him with you. In a response, he tightened his hold around you.

"Missed you, too." He could already feel your breath evening out again, a sign you were falling back asleep, not quite ready to begin your day. But that was okay with Corpse, he would so happily wait like this. Now that his stream was over, he could just simply lay here with you, his hand that had snuck under your shirt rubbing mindless strokes and shapes against the skin of your back.

He shut his own eyes too, because if there ever was a time for him to reach sleep, it would be when your peace radiated right into him so selflessly. But even if he wasn't able to reach his own dreamland, he was happy right there, because being there with you, once again, in this serene state was so dreamlike on its own.

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