Cloud Nine

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(a part 2 to point of view)


You were truly on cloud nine. In fact, you were higher up than that. Nine clouds was no where near as close as to how high you felt with happiness after the day you'd had.

Showing Corpse the song had gone better than you could have ever imagined, you realised all your worrying, anxiety and over thinking was for nothing. You'd been afraid of the opposite reaction he gave you. He loved it and when he told you that, all your fears subsided. How could they not when being in his arms felt better than any weighted blanket ever could and his voice sounded so warm and comforting?

The two of you sat in that position on the floor for a while, Corpse leaning back against the couch with you sat in his lap, straddling your legs over his. You held each other so close as the song you had written for him played on repeat. Not a word was spoken, but enough was said through the nose bumps, grazing hands, cherishing kisses and tender smiles that were shared.

It was during the 19th play through that Corpse dipped his head down in order to be able to dot a gentle kiss just by your ear before he spoke. "Baby?"


"I'd love to stay here forever, but my legs are going numb." He'd admit, feeling slightly sheepish to ruin the moment. But you'd laugh in response and make a move to stand up to your feet, smiling down at your boyfriend and holding your hands out for him to take.

"Want help?" You'd offer and he'd smile up at you, placing his hands into yours and you would lean your body weight back to help in pulling him up, too.

"Thank you." Corpse would share his appreciation through yet another kiss, and god, you would never get over the feeling it caused you. Where a rush would spurt through your chest and right to your heart.

For the rest of night, you didn't leave each others side. It seemed that with the sharing of that song an increase had happened with the level of your closeness you two shared as a couple. When you made dinner, when you showered and even when you went to grab your phone charger from your car, you two stayed by each other. So of course when you were in bed, you two were tangled up in each other.

Facing each other, the space between you was limited. You had your head on the pillows, but Corpse was shifted down a little tonight, his head resting on your arm as his pillow of choice for the night as his face rested in your neck and his arms were around your middle. Your legs were slotted together beneath the blanket and a comfortable silence filled the space, the only sounds being one another's breathing and the ceiling fan as it turned. You were on the verge of entering dreamland when you heard your lover speak up, much like he had today in the loungeroom.


"Mm..." You hummed in response.

"Still awake?"

"Lil' bit. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah." He assured you. "I was just wondering if there's any other songs?"

You opened your eyes again then, running a hand through his hair. "About you?"



"Could I hear a preview?"

"Right now?"


And you really did have other songs that had been created out of the seemingly endless inspiration you felt with Corpse. But right now, while your brain was so close to sleep, you didn't really think you could do it justice. So instead, you took the opportunity to have a little fun with him.

"Okay are you ready?"


You would unnecessarily clear your throat then and for an extra dramatic touch, you'd take in a deep breath.

"BITCH I'M A FUCK UP, AY! IT'S WHY I-" You quite literally screamed the lyrics to one of Corpse's songs instead, but you were cut off quickly as he jumped due to the outburst of loudness and his hand made a move to come up and clamp over your mouth to stop you from screaming out into the silence of the night. He would lift his head, too, looking at you as you began laughing at yourself, despite it being muffled due to his hand still being held over your mouth.

"Oh my fucking god." He'd say, shaking his head at you but not being able to keep his own laugh in, too. "Think you're really funny, don't you?"

And instead of saying yes, you'd just laugh harder and he'd remove his hand from over your mouth, hearing your laughter now boom out. But that was a noise he loved to hear, even if you were laughing at yourself. So he'd just look down at you from where he was now leaning up on his elbow, amused by how much you seemed to enjoy the joke you had pulled on him.

"You should've seen how scared you got."

"It's almost two am, we were almost asleep, how'd you think I would react?"

"I don't know but that was better than I ever could have imagined."

"Fuck you."

"Hey!" You'd purposely drag out the word, feigning being hurt and pouting your lip. "Don't you think I'm funny?"

And Corpse would roll his eyes a little at you, knowing damn well that sad expression was for dramatics. But even still he'd play along, because he too, was also still on cloud nine after the day and night you two had together. "Of course I do, baby." He'd tell you before dropping his head down so he could peck that sad pout of yours, smiling himself as your lips quickly changed to a smile, too.

"Can I tell you something?" You'd ask, and he'd have his eyes locked on yours despite it being nighttime and the dark made it harder to see.


"Doing that hurt my throat a little." You'd admit with a playful tone and he'd shake his head again and laugh, before he turned briefly so he could reach a water bottle that sat on his night stand.

"This'll help." He'd hand it to you and you'd take a large swig of the water before giving it back to him. "Feel better?" He'd ask after placing it back and bringing his attention back to you.

"Yeah, thank you." Your eyes would flicker between his for a few moments, silence falling between you both again, and you'd watch as his own eyes drifted over your face. "What are you looking at?"

"You." Corpse would simply answer before dropping his head back down to the bed and cuddling into you again. Your heart would feel that rush again and you'd gather him into your arms again, enjoying cradling his head against your neck.

"Sweet dreams."

"You too, baby."

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