Wine Night 001

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So maybe you two had shared a bottle of wine with dinner. And then shared another after dinner. And a third bottle had just been cracked open.

You're both leaning more towards drunk then just tipsy now. Eyes are both a little hooded, lips starting to stain a little purple from the deep red liquid. The touching of hands on each other's body lingering for longer times. Taking turns with choosing songs to play on the speaker. It's your turn so you decide on enchanted.

You turn back to him as the slow beat starts and his smile grows as he sees you bite your lip. But before you can step back to him, he pushes up from his place from where he was leaning against the bench, slighting bending forward and extending his arm with his hand turned so his palm is facing the ceiling.

"May i have this dance?" His voice would be deepened from the added effects of the alcohol.

Your heart would triple in speed and he'd swear he could see stars in your eyes as you accepted his invitation, placing one of your hands in his and your other going up to his shoulder as his second hand ever so elegantly graced your waist.

Neither of you would need to say a word as you slowly start to move. Lost in each other as you held eye contact and looking at each other felt like looking at your whole world. Dancing together like the lovers you were.

His tolerance to wine is higher then yours, so you'd accidentally stumble over his foot and he'd catch you with both hands before you fell. You'd both giggle and he'd make a comment, "my clumsy baby."

"Lucky I got you to catch me before I fall." You'd respond, not meaning to shift the mood to a more serious one.

"Always." He'd promise you. And then he'd drop his lips to yours, a heavy, drunk kiss. Your arms would sling over his shoulders and his would tighten around your middle until he's lifting you up and placing you on the bench top.

"I love you." You'd tell him, leaving your forehead pressed against his and your lips still brushing against his as you spoke the three words.

His hands would run down your sides to land on your thighs. "I love you, too." He'd say back before capturing your mouth again while his grip on your thighs became firmer.

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