A Long Week

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It had been a long fucking week.

But finally, it was Friday and you had a weekend to do nothing but shut off your mind and relax.

You missed Corpse a lot this week.

The two of you had moved in together just before the pandemic really hit hard, and when it did, you, like many others, started working from home. So you and your boyfriend had really become accustomed to spending a lot of time together during the lockdown.

Eventually you knew it would stop and finally two weeks ago, your work announced things could be handled at the office again and everyone was to prepare for their first week back. At first you were excited, you actually enjoyed what you did and as much as you loved spending the honeymoon period of first moving in with someone through the lockdown, you were so ready for some normalcy in your life again.

What you weren't prepared for is how draining it would be to go back to the life you once knew before you spent almost everyday in only sweats. Especially since during this first week, you all had to work extra hours to make up for things that couldn't be done through the lockdown.

On Monday, you arrived home at 8:13pm and you were happy. Corpse listened intently as you told him about your day, he didn't tell you that he'd had a hard day. He'd become so used to having you around that you not being there really left him feeling off. He held you a little tighter in bed that night.

On Tuesday, you arrived home at 9:47pm with sushi for the both of you. You were still happy, but Corpse noticed how you kept yawning through your words and you could barely keep your eyes open as you ate dinner with him on the couch. So he didn't tell you he struggled again today, he didn't want to put anything more on your plate, you needed to rest tonight.

On Wednesday, you'd arrived to work and got told to prepare for an even bigger day. You didn't get home until 11:01pm and Corpse was in his office, but you were drained anyway, all the energy you had left went into having a shower and then going to bed.

On Thursday morning, he made sure he was awake when you were in the morning when you were getting ready. He had to spend at least a little bit of time with you. Panic filled him as you explained that you'd be staying at your friends place tonight, her place was right by where you worked and it would be easier. He wanted to tell you to stop as you were packing a bag, to tell you that he needed you had to come home to him but he didn't want to make this week anymore tiring to you. So he kept quiet about it, giving you a kiss goodbye at the front door instead.

Finally, it was Friday. You'd only finished a little later today, so at 6:28pm, you were walking back into your home with Corpse. His office door was closed, but you knew he had a stream underway, he messaged you about it earlier.

At 7:05pm, you'd just put your tie-dye lounge wear on after your shower and Corpse appeared behind you.

And suddenly it felt like you were in a movie scene, like you were at an airport and this was your first time seeing your love interest in months and months. So you closed the space between you both, throwing your arms around his neck and his would enclose so securely around you.

"Hi." You'd greet him in the embrace.

"You're here." He'd respond and how you'd missed his voice in your ear.

"I'm here." You'd confirm the obvious before pulling your head back enough so you could kiss him and how excited you were to spend the rest of the weekend doing this.

"Wan' to come sit with me?" Corpse would ask after the kiss.

"Aren't you streaming?"

"Yeah, but, want you with me." He'd confess and your heart would beat harder.


You'd hold hands as you walked the short distance to his office. You knew you had to remain quiet during this time but that would be easy right now, anyway. You were so drained from your week, and you were so ready to be present with your lover.

Corpse sat down first, leaving his chair pushed out so you could sit on his lap. And so you did, swinging your leg over him and his chair so you could sit comfortably while facing him. Once you were settled in your straddled position, he'd pull you in closer, both of your torsos pressed together and you'd smile as you'd rest your head in his neck.

"Missed you, baby." He'd confess as he would pull his chair back in, his arms reaching around the sides of you to reach his keyboard.

"Missed you, too."

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