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It's late at night and you've tried your hardest to fall asleep but the pain in your lower back and abdomen is just insane tonight and it's keeping you awake. You've got all three of your heat bags pressing hard against you. You heated them up to the point where they're burning to touch and they've made your skin red but you're desperate for relief. The painkillers you took didn't really do a lot to combat the pain, either.

Corpse was streaming, and it was a special stream with an amazing group of people. It was planned in advanced and you didn't want to bother him so you'd been letting out little groans into the pillow to muffle the sound as not to disturb him.

Eventually, he'd come in after streaming and at first he would not even be sure if you were in bed. It just looked a mess of blankets and pillows, due to how much you'd been moving around when trying to find a comfortable position. By this point, you'd buried yourself and your heat bags under the bedding and then placed a pillow over your head.

You haven't heard him come in because he's being quiet, just in case you were asleep and he didn't want to wake you. However, he's spotted the painkillers beside your water bottle on the nightstand and he's just got to check on you so he slowly and carefully lifts the pillow and then he spots you. Your hair is a mess from rolling around continuously, your face is puffy, blotchy and tear streaked from the crying you'd been doing on and off, and your eyes are red from rubbing at them.

"Oh, baby." Corpse would coo at you, his face forming into a frown of sympathy. You wouldn't say a word as you look up at him, only lifting your arms and doing grabby hands at him. He'd understand the signal and make a move to join you under the covers. One of his arms sliding underneath your neck to become a makeshift pillow for you and the other slinging over your waist to pull you into him.

His frown would deepen upon feeling just how hot the heat bags were. "How long did you heat these up for?" He knew you had a habit of over doing it with them, there'd been multiple times he'd caught you before, overheating them and he'd tell you not to do that or you'd burn your skin.

When you didn't respond, he took it upon himself to inspect, he knew that you remaining silent meant this was a time you had in fact, overheated them. Briefly, he pulled the covers back from both you.

"Corpse," You whined, but he was too busy removing the heat packs.

"Shit, (Y/N), your skin is red," after dropping the heat packs over the side of the bed, he replaced it with his hand, "and burning."

"They feel good." You argued against him, but you'd never win this fight with him.

"No." He'd state, bringing the blankets back up and over you both. "You're creating a different pain to eliminate another, it's not good for you."

"Please don't be mean to me right now." You spoke, feeling tears build back up in your eyes. He wasn't being mean at all, you knew he was only looking out for you. It's just that you were hyper sensitive, a quality that seemed to appear around this time of the month. And he knew that came during this monthly time, so he didn't say anything else about it.

Corpse would cradle you against him, your head fitting so nicely in the spot where his neck met his collar bones. "What can I do?"

"Rub my back, please."

And he would, instantly. Right where it's hurting because he's done this before with you. He'd press hard enough to make pressure but not hard enough to hurt you. You'd fall asleep, eventually, and he then he would allow himself to get some hours, too.

Corpse Husband x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now