Cold Hands, Warm Neck

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You had no idea what time it was when you awoke. You'd been spending your time off at your boyfriends house and after four days of trying your best to match his sleep schedule - not wanting to miss out on any moments with him - it finally caught up to you and you had crashed hard.

The night before, Corpse told his friends he was taking a quick bathroom break from streaming, except it wasn't a bathroom break, you hadn't replied to any of his messages he'd sent you while he was in there and he was getting a little worried. He was surprised to hear no noise around the house. Usually when he opened his office door for the past few days, he'd hear you watching something quietly from the couch, or facetiming one of your friends, or laughing at something on your phone. He'd gotten so used to it that when it was dead silent, the anxiety started to build ever so slightly.

The living room and kitchen showed up empty, and as he turned around, he caught that his bedroom door was opened.

"(Y/N)," Corpse called your name as he began walking closer, but you didn't respond and his anxiety grew.

"Baby?" He tried again, reaching the doorway and looking in and that's when he saw you and relief flooded through him.

He had gotten used to you staying awake with him these past couple of days, but he knew himself you couldn't keep that up the whole time you were there. In reality, he was expecting a moment like this to happen.

You were deep asleep, not moving an inch and chest moving so slowly but rhythmically to signal how peaceful you were. There were telltale signs that you unintentionally fell asleep. You were still atop his covers, and he'd come to learn you loved to be curled up under a duvet. Your hair was still up in it's scrunchie and he'd come to learn you slept with it out or you woke up a little grumpy because of the headache it caused. Your water bottle was leaning against your arm and he'd come to learn you always placed it on the floor before sleeping, you'd told him about the few times when you woke up freezing after they'd leak. Your phone was still half in your hand, but it was dead, signalling that you were probably scrolling through Tiktok or Twitter and fell asleep doing so.

He took a moment to look over you, he wanted to remember this picture in his mind, before he went into action to make sure you were sleeping how he knew you preferred.

First he removed your water bottle, second he grabbed your phone and plugged it on charge for you before placing it on his bedside table. Next came the actions he was worried would wake you.

With gentle hands, he pulled the scrunchie from your hair, allowing your hair to sprawl over his pillow and next he went to work with trying to get the covers out from under you and over you, instead.

It seemed Corpse really underestimated just how deep asleep you were, because you didn't stir once through this process. If he was honest with himself, there was a part of him that had selfishly wished you had woken up, just so he could kiss you and hold you for a moment to tell you good night and hear your sleepy voice. But he knew you needed this, he couldn't expect you to keep up with his sleeping pattern. So he settled with leaving a gentle peck against your forehead and whispering a quiet "sweet dreams, baby," before going back to his stream.

You were somewhat delirious when you did finally wake up. After a few nights of barely sleeping to catching up on all those missed hours in one night, you couldn't even be sure what day it was.

"Corpse?" Even your voice was a little croaky, laced with sleep. You rubbed your hands over your eyes before spotting your phone on charge. Slow hands grabbed it, unplugging the charger seeing that it was now on 100% before looking to see if Corpse had messaged you anything. And sure enough, you discovered he had gone out, but he promised to be home soon. Something you didn't doubt, knowing he didn't enjoy being out of his place.

Whilst waiting, you took a shower but when you got out, it was seemingly a lot colder today.

Did I even pack anything warm? You wondered to yourself, Corpse lived somewhere it rarely became cold and you were left empty handed when looking through your own belongings for a hoodie. Then you spotted a hoodie of Corpses sitting on the end of his bed and without thinking twice, you slipped the black article of clothing over your body. It made you miss him, it felt right to be wearing his clothes, but it made you want his arms around you, too.

You decided on waiting for him on the couch, it was close to the front door and you had just spent well enough hours in his bed.

It wasn't long before you heard the locks of his front door being switched opened and instantly the smile grew on your face as your heart fluttered with excitement. You'd spent almost every minute with him since being here, so the time spent sleeping and him going out felt long.

You watched him as he walked in the front door. He hadn't noticed you at first. And you could see why in his face, he was distracted, stressed from the task that really took a toll on him and you wished he'd woken you up so you could've gone with him or even for him.

"Hi." You greeted your boyfriend.

"Fuck," You caught him off guard, and you couldn't help but to laugh as he made a little a stumble and dropped the bag that was in his hand. "You're awak- is that mine?" He quickly cut himself off, his eyes landing on you and dropping down to look over the familiar black hoodie that completely engulfed you in the most heart warming way.

"Oh, yeah, I didn't bring anything warm." You spoke, lifting your arms as you spoke and looking at the material that was so baggy all over you, but so comfortable. "I should've asked, sorry." You apologised but all he could focus on was how perfect you looked. So cozy but also fresh and well rested after the deep sleep you had.

"No, no. It's okay. I love it." He assured you and you began blushing, placing your hands that were completely covered by the sleeves over your face.

"Corpse, stop."

"I'm serious, you don't know how much better this has made me feel." He told you honestly, and that's when you brought your hands down from your face and instead opened your arms to him.

"Come here." You told him simply and he didn't waste a second before he accepted the invitation and embraced you fully.

Your body automatically moved back to lay against the arm of the couch as he joined you by resting on top of you. You jumped slightly as his arms rounded you and his cool hands slid under the hoodie, his touch wanting to feel your bare skin.

"Sorry baby, you're just so warm." Corpse told you before leaving a kiss against your neck and resting his head there. "Every part of you, too." Even his nose felt cold as he nuzzled it against where he'd just left the kiss.

"Why are you so cold?" You asked between laughs, bringing your own arms around him, too, wanting to be as close as possible.

"I had to go outside." He sighed and his reply took the humour out of your words.

"Are you okay?" You didn't hesitate to ask him, brushing your fingers through his hair.

He nodded his head against you. "Don't wanna talk about it right now. Just want to be with you."


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