Wet Hair

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You got out of the shower 20 minutes ago and yo were dressed in your warmest lounge wear set, under two blankets, a pair of fluffy socks on, but you could not get warmed up.

"Fuck." you would hiss as you tried to drink your tea you made in the hopes that it would also warm you up, but it was still too boiling hot to drink. So you would place it back on the coffee table and sink back into your couch.

As long as your hair was wet, you were going to remain cold.

Another episode of the show you had put on started playing just as there was a knock on your front door.

"Come in!" you would call out, not wanting to move from the spot.

When you got out of the shower before, you unlocked your front door, knowing your boyfriend was coming over for the night.

"What's up, baby?" Corpse would enter and at first he's concerned about your position on the couch. All of you that's peeking out from underneath the blankets is just your eyes and your hair that's draped over the arm of the couch to avoid it touching your skin while it's drying. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not in a good mood."


"I washed my hair. Now I'm freezing." You would complain and much to your annoyance a smile would be present on his face after he removes his mask.

"My poor baby." He'd coo, but you knew he was teasing.

"Corpse, I'm cold."

"Personally, I think you're pretty hot." He would continue to joke around, he knew that being cold always did make you a little grumpy and he'd want to make you smile.

"Shut up." you would laugh then, alas, his plan worked. "Hurry up and help make me warm."

"Whatever you say, m'lady." And true to his word, Corpse would quickly flip the blankets up so he could join you underneath them.

"Hey, don't let the cold in."

"Oh, shut up." He'd repeat you from just moments before as his weight became present atop of you and his nose would bump against yours as you giggled. Then his lips would find yours in a kiss that let each other know just how much you missed each other the past couple of days.



You would both greet each other then he'd get to work on the task at hand of getting you warm in the form of wrapping his arms around you and cocooning the two of you together under the blankets. Your arms would link around his back and the episode playing on the tv would be forgotten about as the two of you got caught up in each other. Sharing stories, stealing kisses, and before long, you would forget how cold you felt because of how much this man holding you warmed your heart.

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