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It was late.

Super late.

Late enough that in a mere couple hours time the sun would begin to rise.

But you and Corpse both couldn't sleep that night. Sometimes life just wanted to throw you things that kept you up like a terrible hit of ecstasy that just induced feelings of anxiety.

Although, you were dealing with different things, it seemed there was an understanding that the pair of you were feeling very similar. You both wished it wasn't a mutual thing, because you didn't want your favourite person to be feeling the lows you were. But it was oddly comforting, that you could have this company in each other through something that was usually such an isolating thing.

When it hit 2:45am and you two were both still wide awake, despite the both you being in your bed, the idea of a drive came to mind.

And so for a while, you were sat slouched down in the passenger seat of Corpses car. One of his hands on the steering while the other was holding yours atop your thigh. Tou took turns picking songs to play, screaming the words so loudly into the dead quiet of the night.

And it started to make the both of you feel a little better.

You'd lost track of time by the time Corpse had parked his car, except you weren't back at your place yet, you were at an empty playground.

When you exited the car, you shivered, feeling a cool breeze past you because of the time of night it was. And without skipping a beat, Corpse pulled his hoodie off and pulled it over your head before you had time to say anything about him needing to keep it so he wouldn't get cold either.

Instead, you looked at him and thanked him quietly and he grabbed your hand once more, leading you towards the playground.

Had you have been alone, the setting would have seemed eerie. What with the creek of the swings as they moved with the wind, the crunch of old leaves that had fallen to the ground beneath your feet. But you weren't alone, you were with your lover so the setting was stunning. With hardly any light pollution, the stars shined so brightly in the sky above you and Corpse always looked beautiful under the moonlight.

"Race you to the swings." You announced the game before letting go of his hand and sprinting off. Laughing when you heard his footfalls close behind you.

Just as you were about to reach out and win, he'd snatch you back. His arm suddenly twisting around your middle and pulling you back with a yank.

"Hey! That's cheating!" You'd call out and he'd be laughing as he placed you back behind him so he could reach out and in fact, win the race.

"You didn't say anything about it being a non contact race." He'd quip back at you. You'd laugh and roll your eyes at him, god you loved him so much. "Get on." He'd nod his head towards the swing and you would sit down.

Before you could look back at him, to see if he was going to take the swing beside you, he'd grab onto the sides of the swing you were on and start pulling you back.

"What are you doing?!" you'd giggle and he'd respond by letting go and then pushing you forward.

You'd both be laughing loudly as he continued placing his hands against your back to push you higher each time you swung back to him.

Once he was satisfied with how high he'd gotten you, he'd sit in the swing beside you.

"Better kick those legs or I'm gonna go higher." This time he challenged you to a game and so you started the momentum to keep you at the height you were at.

But once Corpse had caught up, you couldn't deny the joy in your heart as your boyfriend swung so in sync with you.

After a little bit, he'd jump off and your eyes would widen in worry that he'd hurt himself. But he'd stand to his full height and look back at you, noticing your look of concern.

"I used to do parkour, remember?" He'd assure you. "Your turn."


"Jump off, I'll catch you." And he'd move to stand in front of where you were swinging.

"I don't know."

"It'll feel like letting go."

"I haven't jumped off a swing since I was like eight."

"I got you, baby." Corpse would then open his arms for you.

Your eyes were locked onto this, and how could you not trust him when he could light up your darkest nights. Taking your bottom lip between your teeth in concentration you focused on getting the right angle so you could aim for Corpse and once you had found it, you leapt from the swing. And much like he had told you, it did feel like letting go. Like you'd jumped from the swing and left all your anxieties behind you.

With an 'oof' you'd made it to Corpse and true to his word he had caught you, but his footing slipped at the impact and the two of you then fell to the ground. You were on top him, legs either side of him and his arms were around your back as you both laughed. Feeling lighter and freer from the worries that had been weighing you both down at the start of the night.

"You okay?" You asked, sitting yourself up and straddling him, bringing your hands to his arms to pull him up with you.

"Yeah." He'd confirm, sitting up to and your torsos would be pressed right against each other as you stayed perched in his lap. "You okay?" He'd ask you back.

"Yeah." You'd confirm this time and then his hold around you would secure again and your hands would cup the sides of his face and your lips would mesh with his in a kiss.

You were already so close together, but he'd pull you in even more, pressing you more against him. You could feel him all over, he completely surrounded you and you wouldn't have it any other way. It was a prolonged kiss, one where you both put your whole heart into it, really wanting the other to feel how much they meant to you with a display of affection.

"Fuck, you're beautiful." He'd tell you once the kiss had stopped and his eyes darted over your face, admiring how you looked.

You'd blush in response and drop your head to his shoulder to hide it away in his neck. "I love you." You'd tell him.

"If you really loved me, you'd let me kiss you again." His tone was playful, but he wasn't finished kissing you yet and he wasn't able to kiss you when you had your face out of reach. And so you'd pick your head back up, a smile on your lips as he captured them in another kiss under the starry sky.

Corpse Husband x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now