Neon Banter

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Have bowling places always been this fucking loud? You thought to yourself as you tried to seclude yourself from the friends you were with to avoid being apart of the next round.

A second round had just finished and by now everyone was a few drinks down. They were currently entering their names to display on the screen, trying to think up silly nicknames for each other so it was a good time to find a quieter place while they were distracted.

It's not that you didn't want to be with your friends, it's just that you hated bowling. You sucked at it, hard. You weren't even sure how you could be that bad at something that seemed so simple. Normally you could laugh it off and play along because you loved spending time with your friends but you were starting to get a bit of a headache and just needed a moment of quiet.

You found yourself walking into the arcade area and you released a grateful sigh upon seeing that it was fairly empty.

The car games where you sit in a car seat and watch the screen were in the back left corner and somewhat secluded so you decided on heading over to them to sit down for that moment of quiet you were seeking.

You took in a deep breath and rested your head against the back of the seat and had your eyes closed, letting them have a rest from all the neon lighting.

"I don't think you're supposed to drive with your eyes closed." You jumped and quickly opened your eyes again upon hearing the very deep voice coming from beside you.

"You scared the shit out of me, dude." You honestly admitted, you hadn't noticed anyone was sitting in the car arcade game right beside the one you had accommodated. But that was probably because he was dressed in all black, and with most of himself covered up.

"You scared me driving with your eyes closed." The stranger responded, half of his face was covered with the mask he had on but you assumed he was smiling due to the humorous tone that was mixing in his deep tone.

"My driving would scare you with my eyes open." You decided to play along.

"I don't get that scared easily."

"I failed my test over five times." You avoided saying the actual amount, because it was completely embarrassing but admitting it was over five was enough to warrant a reaction.

"How many times?" He noticed.

"What?" You decided on playing like you didn't understand what he was asking, maybe hoping he'd let it go.

"How many times, exactly?" He didn't.

"You don't want to know."

"Oh, but I really do."

"You think that's information I go round just giving to strangers?"

"More than ten?"

"Less than ten, more than five."

"I'll accept that, for now." He seemingly ended the topic but you kind of wished he hadn't. Something about this stranger felt so warm and welcoming. His deep, gravelly voice was something you wanted to listen to more. Your peaceful moment had been disturbed by him, but you really didn't mind at all.

"What's your name?" You asked him.

"Hm," He hesitated for a moment and you watched as his eyes darted away from your face before coming back and finding your eye contact again. "Corpse."

"Did you just make that up right now? Are you worried I'm like a serial killer or something?" You couldn't help but to laugh as you asked him this.

"What? No." He laughed too and it was a beautiful sound. "Actually, now I kind of am."

"That just really seemed like you made that up on the spot and I get it, stranger danger and all that."

"No, no. Corpse is just something people have called me for a while now."

"I'll accept that, for now." You repeated his phrase from before, while simultaneously trying to impersonate his deep voice which resulted in you needing to cough right afterwards. Something in which Corpse found humorous.

"Oh my god."

"Don't laugh at me, that caused me serious pain. I need water." Before you could make any type of movement to get up, Corpse was handing you a bottle of water.

"You can have mine, you need it more." He was mocking you a little, but it was lighthearted.


He watched as you unscrewed the cap and brought it to your lips, just as you had found him inviting, he too had found something in you that caught his attention. "What's your name?" Corpse asked once you had finished having a drink."

"I'm date Mike, nice to meet me." You responded without thinking. Your reply was too quick for your brain to realise what you were saying and you quickly looked up to Corpse from the water bottle after putting the lid back on. "I'm sorry, I'm rewatching The Office right now and I just watched that episode before I came here today. I'm not date Mike, I'm (Y/N)."

"Now, you know I gotta ask. Are you worried I'm a serial killer? Because it seems like you just made that up." He was repeating your own words now, teasing you.

"No!" You laughed, tilting your head back again until it hit the back of the seat. "I'm really (Y/N)."

"Well it's nice to meet you, (Y/N)."

"You too, Corpse."

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