Painted Nails

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"Stay still." You'd be feeling pressure to do a good job. This kind of worry never existed when you did your own nails, but you wanted to make sure the paint job you did on Corpse was excellent.

"Baby, it's going to look good." He was laughing, so his hand wasn't completely still. He didn't want to laugh, but he was enamoured with how serious you were taking this.

"Not if you keep fucking laughing and moving!" Your voice raised. And he tried his hardest to stop laughing then, but his face being caught in that 'I'm trying really hard not to laugh' expression got you and you laughed. "Corpse!"

He joined in on the laughter and it relaxed you. When the laughter subsided, you would grab hold of his wrist again and bring his hand to your lap. He'd watch you bring your bottom lip between your teeth in concentration, and how badly he would want to lean forward and kiss you, but he knew he shouldn't move again.

You can feel his eyes on you and suddenly you snap your head back up, his eyes would widen in surprise at your sudden movement.

"I can't do it if you're looking at me."

He'd sigh and turn his head away. But that wouldn't be good enough.

"No, no, no, you can easily just turn your head and look."

"I won't."

"You will, I know you. move back."

Your positions would change. Instead of sitting beside each other on the edge of the couch, Corpse now found himself sitting back against the arm of it, with you scooting back to sit in front of him and between his legs. Before you could move the whole way yourself, he'd wrap his arms around you from behind and pull you in close, bringing your back flush against his chest.

Before he gave you back his hands, he'd hold you for a moment, his head resting on your shoulder so he could turn his head to leave a peck against your temple.

After the little kiss, you would grab his hands again, seemingly becoming pressed even more against him as you pulled his arms so his hands were resting in front of you, on your folded legs. You were pleased with the new angle, it was the same view it would be for when you painted your own nails.

Corpse liked the new angle too. He loved feeling you lean back against him, his arms pulled around you, noting how you would hold a breath whenever you made a stroke on his nail with the little brush and you would release it with relief when it didn't end up messy.

"I can still see." He'd tease you after you'd just completed one of his hands.

"I know." You'd reply honestly. And you were aware, you could feel his chin weighing on your shoulder, and how his head would turn ever so slightly to follow the movements of your hand with the nail polish. "Careful with that hand, don't bump it." You'd tell him after letting go of the completed hand, fresh with wet polish.

"Okay, m'lady." He'd reply to your orders and you would laugh. He'd lift the finished hand as your attention directed to his other. He'd lift it up closer to his face, inspecting the job you'd done with a smile. "Looks really good, baby. Thank you."

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