I'm Okay

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"See, baby? I told you it would be worth it." You'd convinced your almost nocturnal boyfriend to take a day out with you.

He was inside a lot and if he was happy, you were happy but you wanted him to experience pretty things outside, too. Show him places that were special to you, and you knew wouldn't be crowded because you had gone before with your parents when you were younger.

Corpse had been feeling better lately, so you figured today would be a good day to go out and do something. It was an added bonus that the weather was seemingly perfect to match with your plan.

When you'd reach the destination, it was so peaceful. You were the only two there and the greenery surrounding you two was so lush. And of course there was the stunning waterfall, the water was so crystal clear that it didn't even look real and with how the reflection was happening, it made a faint rainbow appear along the water.

You were cautiously walking over the rocks that were along the running waters edge, when you realised he hadn't responded to you and so you turned back to check on him. You found him staring back at you, and even though he had his mask on, you knew he had a smile on his face.

"Isn't it pretty?" You asked him.

"Very pretty." He answered you, but he wasn't talking about the same thing you were. Sure, the view was spectacular and he enjoyed the serenity, but nothing compared to you for him. He'd rather look at you over any view.

So when you had a little stumble on the slippery rocks and almost tripped, he flinched. He couldn't let anything happen to you. Quickly he was beside you, "Let's get you away from the edge, please be careful, baby."

"Okay." You could tell that had stressed him out and today was about making him feel at peace. So you followed his direction as he placed his hand on your back, gently aiding you forward, wanting to make sure your own safety was secure before his own.

When you felt his touch leave your back followed by a splash, you turned around in a hurry, panic instantly taking over you. Corpse was in the rapidly running water.

"NO!" You screamed out and suddenly everything was black. Your eyes sprung open and you were jolted away, sitting upright as your heart pounded and tears were already blurring your vision. You were in bed, it was all just a dream. But Corpse wasn't beside you. Fuck, where was he?! "Corpse!"

Your scream hadn't just been in your dreamland, but had also pierced through the quiet of the night, Corpse hadn't yet fallen asleep. Currently, he was retrieving a drink of water from the kitchen when he'd heard you scream.

The glass was abandoned with a loud clash into the sink as he sprinted to the bedroom, worry filling every part of his being.

"Corpse! Corpse where are you?" Desperation and fear was so present in your voice.

"I'm here, (Y/N), I'm here." He was by your side in an instant, not sparing a single second so he could gather you up in his arms.

You latched onto him tighter then you ever had, and he could feel your heart beating so hard against his own chest. "Your hearts beating so fast, baby, you need to calm down." He was so worried about you, just as you were about him after the nightmare you'd had.

"Are you okay?" You sputtered out between cries, your hands frantically clutching at him, making sure he was here and safe.

"Yes. Are you okay?"

"Don't leave me, okay? You can't leave." You ignored his question, at the moment you were still traumatised by the dream.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"God, I'm s-so sorry." You apologised.

"Sorry? Why are you so sorry." He was clueless, you weren't making a lot of sense right now.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, (Y/N)-" He paused, leaving one arm wrapped around you but moving his other so he could hold your face, he had to find your eyes. Upon seeing the glisten of your tears in the moonlight, his heart broke, this was not a state he wanted you to be in. "What happened?"

"I had a really bad dream...really fucking bad. You... me and you were- you just-" You couldn't get the words out but he didn't need you to, he could piece two and two together.

"It's okay, it wasn't real." He tried his best to reassure you, rubbing his thumb under your eye and dotting soft kisses all over your face. "I'm okay, you're okay."

"Just stay here with me, 'kay? I need you." You cuddled into him again, finding the crook of his neck as both his arms rounded you again.

"I'm not going anywhere."

Corpse Husband x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now