Flappy Bird

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Today was a quiet day. In the most comfortable way possible.

You and Corpse had woken up about half an hour ago, but neither of you had made any effort to get out of bed. You were simply enjoying each other's company too much. And you really didn't want to move, anyway.

Last night, you'd both had your fair share of wine, and what started as slow dancing quickly became a heated make out and groping session on the bench top which then progressed to pleasure in the form of him being buried inside of you in bed. So today, you were both a little more slower, a little worn out and no longer drunk on wine, but still drunk on each other.

The two of you were facing each other, both pairs of legs a tangled mess beneath the blanket. His hands had made their way under the shirt you had on when you'd both woken up. Corpse loved to feel your soft skin, you always were so warm in the mornings. His head was nestled in your neck, warm air feeling comforting as it hit your skin while he took in those post waking up, quiet, slow, deep breaths.

Pillow talk had become your favourite time with him, being in bed with him felt like you two were in your own universe. Everything else didn't exist, it was only you and him and that was all you really needed.

"Wait, what?" You paused your movements of your hand combing through his bed hair. He only let out a low, inward growl as a response, wanting your hand to continue the relaxing motion. "No, no," you continued, you went to move back to look at him, but one of his hands suddenly gripped your hip and his other hurriedly crept further up your bare back, wanting to keep you exactly as you were in that position.

"Stay there." He told you stubbornly. He didn't want his morning peace disturbed yet.

You sighed and relaxed back against him, but you couldn't move past the information you'd just realised about your boyfriend. "But as if you don't remember Flappy Bird." Your brows furrowed, in thought. An easy morning conversation topic had been apps that either of you had become really obsessed with at one point in time.

"Must've been shit." His lips were moving against your neck as he spoke, seeing as he had kept his face firmly planted in it's place.

"It really was," you agreed with him, "but that's what made it so good."

"What?" He laughed, "what was it?"

"Now you want to know."

"I'll download it later."

"You can't!"


You huffed and he laughed, he loved when you would be talking about something really not that significant, but you would act like it was the most important thing in the moment. "See, this is why I don't get why you can't remember. It was, like, only on the app store for a little bit and everyone downloaded it, hated it, but still continued to play. Then suddenly it was just gone." You exclaimed, pausing your story for some response, but he remained quiet. "But, the thing is, that people who had it on their phone when it was deleted, can still play it." This time, you thought you'd get a reply, but he stayed silent. "Are you listening?"

"Of course, baby." And he was, kind of, but it was more that he was just comforted in simply hearing your voice. It was all about being in your presence, listening to you, holding you in his arms, breathing you in, he was happy.

"I'm gonna show yo-"

"No." He cut you off, once again the strength of his hold on you intensifying as your effort to make a move was halted. "Told you to stay here."

"Fine." You let out a deep breath, but it was content, because a smile was on your face. How much you loved when all he wanted to focus on was you.

Corpse Husband x Reader One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now