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Corpse emerged from his computer room, spotting you on the couch and he felt concern immediately

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Corpse emerged from his computer room, spotting you on the couch and he felt concern immediately. You had your bottom lip between your teeth and you were chewing down on it quite hard, because you were so anxiously focused on your phone. You hadn't even noticed him enter the room, but he knew that was because your mind was so distracted. He took in a deep breath before speaking. "What are you looking at?" He questioned you, but he was certain he already knew the answer.

You jumped when you heard his voice, so concentrated on what was displayed on the screen you held in your hands, your phone also slipped from your grasp and fell to the floor with a clatter. "What?" You asked as your eyes snapped up to his and finally, your teeth freed your bottom lip.

"I asked what you were looking at. On your phone."

"Oh." You had completely missed his question, your mind was elsewhere, but he already knew that. "Just tik tok." You lied, because you knew what he would say if he really knew.

But he already did know. "Really?" How could he not know when Corpse had been witness to how nervous you had been the past couple of weeks, and it had increased especially this weekend.

A silence fell as he continued to hold your eye contact, challenging how far you'd hide the truth from him, but there was no point, he knew better.

"No." You whined out the word. And had Corpse not been looking right at you, he wouldn't have caught the slight quiver to your lip right before you brought your hands up to cover your face and bent over in your seated position to be curled in on yourself. But he was looking right at you, and he had caught that slight quiver.

"Baby, please, you don't have to cry." Quickly he was in front of you, crouching down in front of you and placing himself between your legs. He'd seen you go through many of these mini breakdowns lately, and it created an ache in his heart every time. "Hey," A gentle grip became present around your wrists in order to be able to pry your hands from your face. And just as he had anticipated, tears had bubbled in your eyes and a few had snuck out and dropped down your cheeks. He let go of your wrists then and cupped your cheeks, running his thumbs under your eyes to rub away your tears. "It's going to be okay."

"But what if it's not?" You were waiting on your final grades of the year and to say you were stressed about it would be an understatement. You were normally a lot more confident in your studies, but over the past few months, life had really seem to throw some hefty curveballs at you and you knew your final assignments had suffered. You were hoping for a positive outcome but you were expecting the negative. Corpse had enough of watching you worry over FaceTime and so he invited you to spend the weekend with him, hoping that the act would help in distracting you from the anxiety you were so obviously experiencing. It was now Monday and the final grades were supposed to be available today. You had awoken bright and early to find out yours seeing as though the time you had been originally given was 8:00am. But the site had been down for the past seven hours.

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