Introduction & Disclaimers

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Honestly the amount of people that love Wheatley overwhelms me, but what I was surprised of was the small amount of Wheatley x Readers I found- well at least ones that were continued to an extent.

I myself don't know if I'll actually finish this, but I have a burning passion at like 12:10 AM in the morning, and it'll bug the back of my mind until I finish this book. Portal 2 was introduced to me through Jacksepticeye's let's play in 2019 and ever since, the game has resonated within my happiest memories of the most amazing video games in my life (Oneshot takes 1st place, Check out Markiplier's playthrough it's a great experience if you like heartfelt video games).

Making this is sort of my way of expressing my feelings about the game and also like my excuse to draw a bunch of Wheatley sh#t to post on my Instagram account as well ahaha- I hope you enjoy this book, I love writing as a hobby and I will try my best to get out updates when I have the time.


This book deals with some explicit themes such as explicit language, toxic relationships with family, friends, and school colleges, harassment, and mentions of suicide.

If you're going through something that could be triggered by any and I mean ANY OF THE THINGS I'VE MENTIONED, I advise you to not read any further from this message. If you're suffering from any type of mental illness or abuse, please contact the right people as soon as possible.

Author loves you and wants you to be happy, I hope I can write a Wheatley that will warm your heart and give you the enjoyment you get hearing Stephen Merchant's voice as him in the game.

I DO NOT own Wheatley or any other characters from Portal 2, their characters belong to the creators of Portal 2 , VALVE Corporation .

Any other characters I add to the story belong to me.

••• Author : INK PEN,
           Kuro Danielle

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now