Future Fanfics?

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Hey so it's been a while, huh?

Hey readers! New and old that have read my one book on Wattpad and said "Hey that was pretty good-"

And proceeded to get nothing else from it.

Well seeing as I have nothing else better to do with my time now and that I've got a better handle on my assignments, (10th Grade guys holding steady!) I should get back into writing Fanfics for the hell of it- and hopefully make an ACTUALLY understandable story without too little care about the story and more about how poetically can I describe what the frickity FRACK is going on.

(Note: all aggressive tones in this chapter are all for fun, I really enjoyed and found out how much I've grown in writing since then. My English Literature subject has been doing me wonders, everyone!)

I know on the blog posting section I've mentioned and even asked you all what you'd like to see me write next and even gave some suggestions I've been thinking about- a lot of you were looking forward to the sequel of this book, whilst others seemed interested in some Stranger Things content too!

I can't promise anything, but I'm looking forward to writing more x reader Fanfics in the future...

..As well as some original content perhaps?

I've had my own stories and characters stirring constantly in my head every second I have to just be lost in ideas, so I knew eventually I would give in to the choke hold they've had on me for 4 years-

That's all for now, I hope to read more of your guys's hilarious comments and enjoy another year of procrastination and simping!

That's all, see ya later YA SIMPS!

- Author , Leisugar (alternatively, Lei)

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now