His Wires & My Adrenaline

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(Me and my friend had a call a couple of days ago, and we listened to this song for the first time I believe. Maybe me, for the first time, not her probably. But I thought it had a nice instrumental to go well with this chapter's theme. Not so much the last bit, but the first was definitely it. Anyways enjoy the chapter.)

Walking out that door felt like an action movie.

As we headed through the door, Turrets were ahead searching for us. While they weren't suspecting the team of the century (well, maybe of today.), I threw a bouncy ball at the lockers next to them and watched it get launched from surface to surface like everything was covered in the blue gel. But once it hit one of the turrets with all of that momentum, gawking turned into my adrenaline.

"Oh shit duck!" I said, pulling Wheatley down to the ground. Multiple small explosions and gunshots fired a few feet in front of us, once it became dead quiet we looked up to find blackened walls and flooring in the dim natural light from the window far down another hall. We looked at each other and shared a smug expression.

Now THIS. THIS will be FUN.

I pulled Wheatley through the corridors of the school looking for more. "Woah slow down! We don't have that much ammo remember?!" He yelled at me. I didn't hear what he said as I tossed another bouncy ball with such strength. "Look I know you said "Let's go kick some robo-ass" a while ago, but I'm kind of getting the feeling we- AAH!" he rambled on while we hide behind the corner. A drone flew over head of us, and I again yanked on his arm running away from them.

"I have an idea!" I yelled heading towards the cafeteria. "This better not be running into danger and being over all a reckless mess!" He retorted. "Because if it is then I'm not going to be part of WHATAREYOUDOINGTHISISADEADEND-" He stammered on as I pushed open the doors to the cafeteria, hopping over the table.

But soon I realized that I hopped over empty handed. "Wheatley?" I said. I looked over the table to the same guy I ran with seconds ago on the floor with a dumbfounded look to him.

Maybe I ran a bit too fast..

"You okay?" I said, leaning over the long counter. He let out a groan and turned to me, slowly getting up. "I believe I've dislocated my shoulder again, but I think I'll be fine." He said, walking around the counter and going through the small gate while holding his arm. I sighed a bit relieved. "Why'd you wanna come in here again?" He said. Right as the words left his mouth the door burst open letting in a group of Turrets ready to fire.

A nervous but excited smile dawned on my smile like the gleam in my eye. I yanked him down by the tie pulling him down and a bit too close to myself, but I honestly could care less about it right now. Wheatley's face immediately flushed, and I pulled open the sliding cabinet next to me and shoved a food tray into his chest giggling. "Use it as a shield or someth- OH I HAVE AN IDEA." I said quickly ducking up.

"Wait what do you me- (Y/N) BE CAREFUL-"

I tossed the tray like a Frizz-Bee as strong as I possibly can, and like a chain reaction it bounced from metal egg to metal egg! And it wasn't just a normal SMACK to the side of the head no no! These things must've been made of a pretty shitty material because that thing left a huge DENT in them!

Right as they were about to explode Wheatley tackled me down like a shield. Even though my back hurt like hell, all I felt was joy. This was the most fun I've had since 7th Grade! And let me tell you, that year was CHAOS. Caused by me, William, and Fred, of course. As the explosions went off I threw my head back cackling. "Jesus, love! Do you have a death wish or something?!" His words laced in worry. I looked at him still beaming high on adrenaline, and soon, he started to smile too.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now