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Darkness. Complete, darkness. Tears I didn't know were there streamed down my face as my breath hitched. My hands were shaking but my grip was tight, my knuckles were probably white from squeezing so tightly.

Everywhere I looked made me feel more and more alone, like when a child is lost in a giant store and can't find their parents. I looked down and shut my eyes tight, the pillow catching the falling droplets that fell. "Will... William... Help me... Please.." I pleaded. I dropped the controller suddenly and hugged the pillow.

I kept mumbling about William, how much I needed him, how much I missed him at that moment. I wanted to hate how much I loved him, wishing we never met, but I just couldn't forget. No one deserves to be forgotten, yet that's all I wanted to do about this ache I had...

"(Y/N)!" I could hear Fred's muffled voice, snapping me out of my paralyzed state.

"(Y/N)! Damn this stupid- where's my phone when I need it?!" He switched on the flashlight; as it hit my retinas I turned away and blocked the glare with my hand. "Sorry! Are you okay? I heard you scream do you-" I immediately hugged him tightly, shutting him up. It wasn't his fault I couldn't cope, I'm no one's responsibility. All I wanted was a hug and some closure, and I think he was all I had left of any.

He hugged back, putting down his phone so that the light emitted would go straight up and light the room a bit. I cried until I had no more tears left, he was there to support me as much as possible. What would I do without him?

"I'm sorry" I said after calming down. "Sorry for what? I should be sorry for not being here for you" he said, holding my head with a soft but firm grip, his other hand rubbing my back.

"I'm... I'm sorry for scaring you.. I guess I got a bit worked up with what Wheatley was yelling about" I said. It wasn't the best of lies but somehow he bought it, good enough for me, I didn't want him to know what it was really about...

"It's fine, just don't go crying over a fictional character like that again, alright?" He said. I let out a small laugh, he really was my best friend.

"Seriously though, I was so worried.. I heard you scream and came running over here, I know what you're going through all too well and if you ever need me, I'll be there." He said. I calmed down a bit more, loosening my grip but still holding onto him.

We let another moment of silence pass, after that he told me he was going to turn off all the appliances that were on in our apartment. I let him and hugged a pillow, looking down at the controller that now rested on the table in front of me.

"I'm fine... I'm fine. Nothing is wrong, no worries, no worried friends, everything is alright." After I told myself that I could tell why Ms Davis asked me to get a therapist. It was just one death, how badly could that damage me? Well... Okay maybe I did need one. "It's too late for one now, I've... Sorta gotten over it. I'm improving which means I'm fine! I don't need a therapist. I've got a friend-apist." I thought to myself, giggling at the play on words.

Yeah, now I really think William and Fred were rubbing off on me. I think I'm missing 5 brain cells.


(For this and the next chapter, here's what these mean ⬇️⬇️⬇️ )
(F/B/M) - Favorite Breakfast Meal
(F/C) - Favorite Color
(F/C/D) - Favorite Coffee Drink

(If you don't like coffee you can say tea, water, milk, orange juice, etc.)

"Hey uh, (Y/N)?" I heard Fred call for me. I turned to him behind the kitchen counter table. "I- uh yeah we don't have anything to do." He was on the phone with someone, who's up this early though? Can't be his parents, it's the weekend. "Okay we'll be there this afternoon, see you soon! bye" He said and ended the call. "You were saying?" I said, now had gotten up and leaning against the side of the table. "Yeah so this afternoon since we don't have power, we're going to be at Charles's house helping him pack up to move." He said. "How'd he call you?" I asked.

"Oh he didn't call, Ms Davis did. She's gone out to get groceries and said he needed the help." He said taking a cookie from our shared cookie jar. "Alright then. What are we going to do when we have no power, early in the morning, and need food but we can't exactly cook much?" I asked.

He looked at me a bit wide eyed, scanned the room and ran to his. Confused, I walked over to his door but heard a loud yell from inside. "(Y/N) WE'RE GOING SHOPPING GIRLLLL" I heard Fred yell. I wheezed and shook my head, yep definitely my best friend in the whole wide world.

I headed over to my room and got changed. I wore a Periodic Table print sweater over my white NASA shirt, blue leggings, and black and white accented Tennis shoes. It was almost 3 in the morning, wanted to present myself like I was out at this time everyday when I'm usually up this early because of a coding project.

"(Y/N) what breakfast do you want?" Fred asked opening my door. I had grabbed my small bag and was on my phone checking the time, yep, 3:09 AM. "Maybe (F/B/M)? Or is that-" "Hell no it's not too much (Y/N). It's a day for distractions! And I'M gonna make sure you get to enjoy it." He said pointing a thumbs up at himself. "Whatever you say, captain." I said lightly punching him in the arm.

"Damn right I'm the captain!" He said and we laughed on our way out.

Upon locking our apartment door we turned on our flashlights and realized how bad the situation was, the entire building was out of power. "Well that's weird, hasn't been a power out in this building since 2020." Fred said as we made our way through the hallway. "Is it weird that I find it scarier that the hallway is wider than most condominiums?" I said. "In this context I think everybody would have the same... What's the word-" "reaction?" I looked towards him.

"Yeah that's it." We didn't turn the corner to go down the elevator, we had to take the stairs. Luckily enough, we had the plan that if something like this happened we wouldn't have a hard time since we're on the 7th floor.

Also because in the past Me, William, Fred and my sister liked swimming. One day we found out she didn't like being in crowds of people so we'd always scheduled a 'pool hangout' instead of going to the parties so she didn't feel left out, win-win.

"So what do you think cut the power?" I asked. He began to ponder as I tried to look at the landscape paintings that hung on the walls. "Too much electricity used, maybe? This place does background checks on the people that stay here though. So it's improbable." He said.

"Faulty circuit, you reckon?" I said. He hummed in response, probably a no. "There's no way someone had used that much power." Fred said. I snorted; "Said every super villain after getting beaten by the hero." I said. We both laughed at my joke and then made our way down the stairwell, our footsteps echoing as we walked.

( Next chapter coming soon :] )

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now