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It is now 4:20 AM in the morning, I'm at a coffee shop texting Fred while he's in line. I was on the second floor of the building because we got better service up there and also liked that extra privacy. In this case, we just wanted the Wi-Fi to go Sonic. A notification popped up.

FreddyBoi : Yo what drink did you
want again?

(F/C/D) Please : C_Major

FreddyBoi : Got it, thanks buddy

Thank you too dude : C_Major

FreddyBoi : Also uhhh can we share

Share what : C_Major

FreddyBoi : Food...? :')

No. : C_Major

FreddyBoi : Bruh you know that
(F/B/M) is my favourite


Then get your own meal. Why's that : C_Major hard too

FreddyBoi : I already bought myself a

innamon roll :(((

That's you're fault lmao : C_Major

I sighed opening Youtube and plugging in my earphones. I couldn't get the thought of Portal 2 out of my head, so I decided to listen to the soundtrack. As I listened to the sound of Turrets singing Cara Mia, I began to think about Charles, a boy I barely get to speak to.

He was a quiet one, I met him when I came over to William's house to sleep overnight. He tapped on my shoulder while I was on my phone in the guest bedroom and gave me a piece of paper.

At first I thought it was strange, but regardless I read what was on it. " 'Hi I'm Charles. I'm William's younger brother.' " I read aloud. I looked up at him as he nodded. "...Can you, not talk?" I asked. He nodded. I was a bit confused, how could he be mute? There was no problem with not being able to speak, but William and Mrs. Davis could speak very well so this came as a surprise.

Charles handed me another piece of paper, this time having a lot more text than the last. I cleared my throat; " 'I've had a social anxiety disorder since I was 6. Long story short, I got bullied because of my voice so I never used it unless I was at home. But soon after I started to go entirely mute.' " I read once more. I began to grow concerned, is this why I've only ever known about him?

He grabbed a pen from his hoodie pocket and took the paper from my hands, writing something down on the back. Again, he gave to me the paper. " 'Don't worry about me, I like being silent. It helps me think, and I like spending time with William but I'm mostly happier when I'm alone.' " I read.

Charles and I got along well that evening, the rest of my time at their house we just exchanged waves and smiles. William, Me and him even played some charades and of course, Will and Charles won. William would have been more experienced in the game, they probably played it daily when they were little.

"I got our food!" Fred said. He set the food tray on the table and sat himself down. "Thanks Fred." I said and started eating; mental breakdowns make me very hungry. "No problem. Also I uh.. wanted to ask-" I looked up and Fred was met with a chipmunk-cheeked (Y/N). He immediately started laughing and pointed at me.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now