Nowhere to Run

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Footsteps wandered around as he hummed a tune I couldn't make out, I could only imagine the dark smirk across this maniac's face at this moment. He was taunting us; Trying to mess with our heads. If I didn't know any better I'd say he already knew where we were hid.

Panic rose as I felt unable to move from this position, and that if I was able to move, I wouldn't be able to pull Wheatley out of his, since he would probably be too scared to make a run for it.

I could feel him shiver while he held onto me for dear life, digging his fingers into my clothes to gain a stronger grip. His face buried into my stomach, I could barely hear his quiet pleas and whimpers.

I felt so many emotions and feelings that made my head spin, the light humming that echoed around in the cafeteria filled my head as I desperately tried thinking of some kind of plan to save us from this situation.

"You're running out of time, (Y/N)~" The man cooed, but this time his voice seemed to chop and change into a more robotic and drawn out voice.. Wait a second. I thought it over and pried myself from the awkward position Wheatley had held me in, then lifted myself off the ground and peered over the counter.

The man had a tall, muscular build. Wearing a signature green and sandy brown outfit that would resemble a mix between Indiana Jones and your standard Cowboy. Although he looked mostly human, there were patches that revealed a hard, metal exterior. And as you'd expect from a menacing evil robot, his eyes glowed a bright scarlet red.

And... I know he's supposed to be intimidating, but if I'm being honest, if the fandom saw him in a fan-game about half the fangirls would fawn over this guy immediately. Ironically or not-

I think I stared too long at the guy because Wheatley had tugged me back down, while cursing under his breath.
"Wheatley we can beat him-" "Are you crazy?!" He whispered and pulled me up looking me dead in the eyes with his terrified own. "This guy is a robot, (Y/N)! There's no way in hell we could take him down!" He said frantic but as quietly as possible.

"You idiot! Every time this buff-thing moves you would think his limbs were being held together by a rope! And- I don't know how far you can see with your 1080p HD artificial eyes, but I could definitely see wires sticking out from under his hat!" I rationalized.

I knew for a FACT I was right. I could practically hear that thing snap it's own neck when it snaps it's head to a sound, he may look buff and powerful, but no way in hell did his creator take the time to properly build his creation!

"Well it's not like we have a plan!" He said, rolling his eyes at my observations. Although I got annoyed at his dismissive behaviour, now was not the time to be dramatic. "Well, we have to do something. We can't just wait here for imminent death-"

"I know! I know! I'm just really, really anxious and frantic and need a PLAN (Y/N). Do you have any ideas?" My eyebrows drew together as I took another risky peek up at the bot' trying to use what William called my "Blue Inner Eye".

It means I'm using my vivid imagination as the visuals to a project, because they sound so detailed and like I had been revising the plan for months.

...Yeah again he wasn't the smart-ass you'd invision a computer science major like me to have dated, but he was.. him. And I loved that.

The footsteps seemed to come to a stop, as the instrumental of Frank Sinatra's "My Way" loomed through the cafeteria.

(( For effect if you wish, play the song above dear reader. ))

"And now, the end is near." It's broken, robotic yet human voice sang.

If I can manage to jump onto his back, I could swipe off his hat and just pull at the noodles. I'm not a ninja though, so I would need a distraction.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now