The Silver Lining

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Doug approached my curled up form. I looked up to find him holding a small food tray, a plastic cover rapped over its top. "You hungry?" He asked.

I only nodded. He then moved over to the microwave and placed it inside, turning it on. I rubbed my puffy eyes that now and again would leak a salty droplet or two when I would think about the person next to me. He laid against the metal table that stood in the middle of the kitchen, limp. The glow in his eyes was gone, only cracked dark orbs remained.

Just looking at him would make me tense up, not only feel incredible guilt, as if it wasn't enough, the scene would send my mind back to that day.

Back to that cursed inferno...

William sat half-dead against the wall as the ambulances came into view, but there was nothing they could do. "Will. Will look at me. Please William, don't leave me-" I held his hand tight as his vision drifted to anything he could grasp sight of. His eyes finally landed on my tearful expression, he gave a weak smile and held my cheek. "(Y/N).." He said, his smile widening.

I pressed his palm against my face and smiled back. "Yes, it's me honey. Hang in there the ambulances-" "I'm not gonna last until then, love." He said. I tightened my grip. "Don't be like that you're gonna make it, not on my watch." I shook my head. I frantically looked around calling for help until he turned my head to face him.

"I love you, (Y/N). And I hope you find someone who feels the same way again, one day." he said.

 William pulled me in for one last kiss, I could feel the burnt skin as we shared that moment, but I didn't care. He always felt the same to me.

He pulled away from the kiss first, but I realized once I opened my eyes, he was already gone...

Doug came back and crouched down to my level, placing the warm plastic container on the floor next to me, a spoon and fork laid on top of the steaming food. " 'I hope you find someone who feels the same way again' " I repeated the thought aloud. Doug perked up at my words, "What?" he said.

"My uh.. boyfriend. He said that to me before he.. left." I said, my was tone dry a slightly raspy after crying. Doug nodded, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly. "He didn't feel the same and wanted to break up, but still cared for your well-being, I'm guessing?" He said, trying to piece together what it meant. I glanced beside me, looking at Wheatley.

"..Not exactly."

"Well, I'm sorry you two didn't work out." He patted my shoulder. "Thanks, I guess." I said.

There was a long pause as I turned my gaze towards Wheatley once more. "Did you two get along?" He asked. I hummed in confusion, facing towards Doug again. "You and Wheatley. I wasn't expecting you to be this upset, maybe even happy." He said, with just as much confusion as I had.

"Oh- we uhm, bonded while you were away. He's.. he's actually kinda nice to be around. Much more than I'd like to admit.." I whispered the tail end. "In the longest time in a while, I actually felt happy for once. Even if he was a bit of an asshat at first and is the butt of all my jokes so far.." I chuckled and paused, turning to the broken android.

"Wheatley's been the reason why I can smile after so long." I finished, a faint grin playing on my lips as I felt my eyes water. "Just.. something I really, really needed." I said. Doug placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. "I'm glad he bumped into you." He said. I laughed and brushed his hand off.

He then turned to the tray that had damaged Wheatley, walked towards it and picked it up. "By the way, what did you plan on doing with this?" He asked, turning back round to face me, holding up the metal object.

I let out an 'ah' and felt embarrassed. "Don't laugh, but I was gonna throw it at the turrets like I was Captain America and see if it would bounce off of all of them like they were in a pinball machine." I said. I pursed my lips together in a line, quite sure the scientist was about to laugh in my face.

Doug's eyes widened with raised eyebrows, looked at the tray then back at me. "That actually might work." he said, moving over to the door. Surprised, I got up and headed over to him. "What? No there's no way it could-" "There's no way I could do it, but with your upper body strength and the right timing, this could work!" He said, brows now furrowed and deep in thought.

I only stood in disbelief. I mean, it does make sense to believe it. 

But what if I can't toss it as hard as last time? I did destroy that small amount of turrets last time, I wasn't in my right mind though- AND It's only theoretical as to if that scenario would play out in our favor! Wheatley wasn't a moving target- okay maybe I shouldn't think about that right now..

I began to contemplate as I paced back and forth, the old man peeked out into the cafeteria once more examining their rotation cycle as I had done. He pondered for a moment, handing me the tray. "Look, I know you're not so sure about this plan-" he held both my shoulders like we were huddled in for a big game. "-but I need you to trust yourself, and give it your all. We're counting on you to be a badass we know you are." He said, giving a half smirk at his own remark. If I was reading him correctly, it would be about how he called me a badass.

Which in my not so humble opinion would be correct.

"Believe in yourself, (Y/N). You're stronger than you know. Both physically and mentally. Don't drag yourself into the ground when you still have the chance to get up." He said.

I could feel the encouragement and trust he had in me, it weirdly reminded me of something my dad would say.. I looked up at him, unsure how sincere he was being. He had the smile of a proud father, a determined glint in his eyes. Even if I couldn't shake that cold chill that ran down my spine, I nodded and crouched down and opened the door just enough for my arm to fit through.

"I can do this.. I can do this.." I repeat to myself.

In one swift movement and a pinch of luck...


The tray spun at high speeds and sent a  turret crashing into several others that were moving into their next station! They immediately began to malfunction, whilst the tray caused chaos throughout the cafeteria. It actually had so much momentum that when it was sent flying back to the kitchen doors, it had made a dent in the metal! Well, from what I could see. We only kept the door slightly open because of the bullets being fired in all directions.

"Holy shit!-"

"Watch your language." Doug said out of nowhere.

I turned to him with a quizzical stare. He then shrugged and laughed nervously. "I don't know, it just came out.." he said, rubbing the back of his neck. I stiffed a giggle, finding it kind of endearing.

As the bullets finally dropped to a muted volume we slowly opened the kitchen doors, to find all synthetic life had been destroyed in the vicinity. My eyes light up with triumph, my emotions suddenly elevated and once again I felt... Happy.

"I'm proud of you, kid." He said, rubbing my upper arm and pulling me into a side hug. I couldn't help but smile at the silver lining laid before the three of us.

I turned to the slumped man behind me, feeling better.

"You'll be back in no time Wheatley. I promise.." I said quietly to myself. Doug threw Wheatley's inanimate body over his shoulder, as we made our way out of what once to me, was a nostalgic and happy place.

With a new sense of pride, and a sliver of hope.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now