Man vs Machine

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Me and Wheatley Peaked over the counter to see our saving grace, Doug Rattmann. I won't exaggerate when i say in this moment the amount relief that washed over me felt better than the warmest blanket.

The robotic adventurer turned to the scientist, stretched and stood proud. "I wasn't, but it makes my job a lot easier than it was before so I won't complain when my prey-"

"Shut your shark maw and leave the kids alone! your treasure is in another temple, Wannabe Jones." Doug said, his voice clear and devoid of fear. He pulled began to slowly pull back a lever that seemed to charge up the blaster that resembled a gatling gun, as the barrel group beginning to glow a bright red. "You have five seconds to get outta' here or get about twenty to thirty holes in your chest!" Doug threatened as he slid the lever to the side and locking it in place.

"Now Dr. Rattmann, this is a bit unfair don't you think? I'm not even armed." The android tried to persuade, raising his arms up backing away towards the door he barged in from. Doug gave a quick side glance while keeping a stern look on his face, I could tell he wanted to show us a smile of reassurance but now wasn't the time to get cocky. "I think it's perfectly fair. You're a strong-looking fella, you don't need guns to win." Doug debunked.

"I took that precaution coming in here after you nearly choked the life out of Dr. Davis!" He stopped in front of Wheatley and I, the Adventure Android contraposition to him. The thing held a prominent but slightly quivering grin as Doug held a stare like a mother lion who was protecting their young. "Means beat it, steroid copycat!" Wheatley said somehow confidently through his once tearful, post-internal-earthquake state.

He then ducked both me and himself down out of sight with a stupid grin on his face. "Good one, right? I got him good?" He whispered to me smiling. Now that I've calmed down a lot I actually lost the tense feeling that was crawling back up a moment ago, letting out a little wheeze and sharing that same grin.

"Yes. Yes you did." I said back.

"Now are you gonna leave us buckeroos alone or what? Partner?" Doug said, joining in using a Western Accent. Wheatley was quietly dying of laughter, I peeked back out to just get a glimpse of the Adventure Android rolling his eyes as he adjusted his stance.

"Dimwitted Dunderheads..." he mumbled. As quick as his annoyance came, his devilish smile was plastered back onto that half-painted face. There was a glint of power in his eyes, as he turned around and moved a hand onto his hip, letting the other go limp.

...Again, this man would most probably have many, many simps. I'm uh, I don't know buff men just make me nervous for my health.

"Alright, Alright I'll be on my way. You three aren't worth the trouble anyway." he said.

Wheatley and I moved to beside Doug, now feeling a bit safer in the situation. But to me, something didn't feel right. Although the guy agreed to leave, he only stood by the door in that same pose. "You know you're supposed to leave now, right?" Wheatley called over to the robo-psychopath. Adventure Android didn't say a word. "Why isn't he leaving??" Wheatley whispered to the both of us. Doug's grip tightened once again on the locked handle and the sci-fi advanced gatling gun's trigger. I shrugged; We didn't understand his plan, good for its gain. 

That is, until the sight of metal quickly clanking on the marbled floors and drones zooming through the air started to come into the view through the cafeteria door's windows. I was the first to notice; my eyes widened with fear and instinctively took Wheatley by the arm, yanking him back behind the counter and onto the floor. He groaned in pain from the impact, "Blood hell, what was that for?!" He said. "He called swarms of turrets! Get down!" Doug said joining us behind the counter and placing his weapon down onto it ready to take aim.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now