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"Will you take, (Y/N) Johnson, as your lovely wedded wife?"

He spoke.

"And then- and then you'll say I do, y'know, because that's- that's what you do-"

"Stop!" I laughed whilst also fearing the possibility of choking on my chicken. "What? Isn't that how it goes?" Wheatley said, still trying to decipher how weddings and engagements work for the 5th time today. It wasn't odd, he's done this when he asked me to be his girlfriend which if I'm being honest I don't think he completely understood what that title meant. "No, it's just, I don't wanna choke on a piece of my BBQ chicken wings." I said picking up my cup of water with my ungloved hand. "Then why are you laughing?" He faked frustration only to begin laughing himself. "First off, what's this all for? Why do you need to know all this?" I asked and he looked around our table for an answer. "It's not important-" "Okay? Second, we've only been dating for over a month, Wheatley! Do you really think I'm ready for that type of commitment yet?" I said. "I never said the knowledge was for us-" "Yet you've asked me about the flowers I'd like to have there, the food, who would WE invite, the dress.." I went on and on until I looked back up at him and notice him rolling his eyes.

"I just wanna be prepared, y'know?" He ushered me closer gently, our faces in close proximity to each other. "What if, by some miracle, we don't have to keep hiding from those bloody bastards, and just get to live our lives again? Wouldn't you wanna.. spend that with me?" Nearing the end it felt like he was so unsure about what he was saying; like he doubted his own claim that I would still be around when we're finally free.

I stared in disbelief at my boyfriend, but as of now he didn't notice as he looked down at the table again. "I don't mean to give you these thoughts but.. I just can't see myself living alone or with somebody else. Believe me, I've tried!" He said, his voice quaking slightly to emphasize to what truth did those words live up to. "And- and it's totally fine if you don't when this is all over, I mean, you can go back home and finish college, no longer having to act as my girlfriend to everyone we meet here in England." "Hey." I said, removing my BBQ stained, plastic glove off my hand, taking his hands into mine.

"Let's head upstairs. To the rooftop park of the mall." I said, putting my arm up to call a staff

"Why there?"

"Just trust me."


Today we came here to celebrate the day we came here to England, because somehow we managed to make it the best day of our fake lives as Maya Jacobs and Will Campbell.

If I'm going to be honest with you, I didn't expect us to make it to this point- I thought just as we were safely soaring in the sky, the plane would be cut in half by a laser from an enhanced version of the turrets. I guess our story isn't over yet, not until they find us, that is. "Do you think Charles's mother found out about.. y'know." Wheatley asked as we made our way through the small park, the wind blowing through our hair. "I think she would've eventually. Ms. Glen always delivers him some food from the city since he can't get his favorite chip brands from out where the farm was." I explained, already regretting what we failed to do. I stopped at a bench, taking a seat as Wheatley followed my example. "We should've told her what happened.. Whether she thought we were crazy or not." "I think so too. I can't say I know the doctor's mother, but with what I know from Dr. Davis, I'd say I couldn't imagine what such a kind and loving woman is doing now.."

"She's doing what every person who loses someone close to them."

Wheatley sighed; "Grieving."

I nod.

"God, why do humans.. no, why do WE need to feel such pain because someone left our lives, when we all know in the end we can't do anything to get them back? Why cry when you can just move on?" He asked, pushing up his glasses back up the bridge of his nose. "Because.. because they were the part of our lives we didn't deserve. They were 'too good to be true', so to speak." I said, leaning my head onto his shoulder. "So when they leave us in whatever way, it's like they took something that made us who we are. Whether they wanted it to hurt this much or regret that it does." I continued, looking towards the buildings and window lights in the distance. Wheatley sighed, adjusting his arm to rest across my shoulder and pull me in closer. My head was now next to the crook of his neck, a warm feeling engulfing me inside.

Once again, like the peaceful moments we are aloud to share for now, we sat in silence and tranquility. The world always seemed to stop turning when this happened; as if time would remain stagnant until one of us would utter another word.

"Wanna know a fun fact about me?" Wheatley asked, a familiar melancholy tone laced in his voice.

"Yeah, sure." I replied in a similar fashion. "Despite my accident-prone nature, Everything from my outer shell to the very CPU inside my head is built to last for over a hundred years, or more-" "Holy shit that's.. awesome." I commented without thinking. "-I thought so too. That is until.." he paused. "..Until you met me? Right?" I guessed, now feeling sympathetic towards the guy. I don't mean to sound egotistical, but I am the only alive loved-one he has at the moment. "Yes.." he sighed. "And- and it's not necessarily a bad thing that you're in my life now, it's just.. after everything's that's happened with Doug an Charles, and god forbid we think of what could happen to that boy's mother -" he shook his head once with such vigour at the thought; "-I realized how short a human's life can be. I mean, they were in the face of danger, but even then how could we predict when or how someone's going to go?" He said.

I remained silent, afraid of where this was going. "What if.. you died before we could experience all the fun things in life together?" I turned to him holding his shoulder and leg to get his attention with an awkward smile upon my face, trying to look optimistic and reassure him.

"Okay, Wheatley-"

"What if we got into a car crash, and all I could do is wait until you woke up?"

"Wheatley, that's a bit far-"

"What if.. what if.."


"What if you got cancer.."

I froze, my eyes widening as I looked at his fearful and sad expression. The hands gripped tighter, my lips quivered. "..and.. and all I could do is visit you everyday and.. h-hope-" "Wheatley." I said, pushing my hands onto either side of him; now standing and looming over him as he sat on the bench. He whipped his head up at the collision's sound, his surprised gaze meeting with my serious one. His eyes were glossy and I swear I could see tears threatening to spill over from them. "No.. no matter what happens to me, please know that I can take it. Overtime at work, driving through heavy traffic, spending hours looking for replacement parts for you-" I named several scenarios I've been through or could possibly be inevitable to cross my path; "-It doesn't matter what happens! If going through all of those things means getting back to you.." I felt that all too familiar lump in my throat form. I swallowed it harshly and pursed my lips in an attempt to stop my voice from cracking. "..I'll do it!" I shouted, gripping his face in my hands. Wheatley nodded quickly, his expression contorting as he tried his best not to cry then and there, but it was no use.

"I'll go through hell and back for you, okay? To the moon and back, you hear me?!" I shouted as he began to sob, nodding vigorously. Hot tears began to fall from my face too, a glad smile breaking through and harshly pulling at my cheeks. I let myself fall onto his lap and embrace him as tight as I could, he did the same with shaky arms. When we both calmed down a bit, he pushed me back and pulled me in for a long, deep kiss. I returned the gesture and cupped his cheeks; I could feel his smile as I did, and it made me smile too. We pulled away for air, both letting out small laughs and giggles in-between..

"I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you too, Wheatley."


In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now