Hard Drive

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"I need a raincoat..." I thought as I had been running through the rain for a while. The bus stop was somewhere around here, but as much as I'd loved to get out of the rain, Fred would probably be waiting at it for his own trip home. A light illuminated a portion of the sidewalk coming from a small shop, I walked up to it and found it was a clothing store. From where I was standing I could see a hooded (F/C) coat on a mannequin, beside two other outfits for the fall season.

I entered the store, soaking wet. The store was warm and pleasant, the smell of books lingered around but none were around to be seen. All the shelves that held stacks of shirts were all made of wood, polished and simple. "Oh my god how long have you been out there like that?" A young woman from around the corner asks me. 

I look towards a brunette that wore a brown apron over her white dress shirt and black pants. "Yeah uh... Is it alright if I stay here for a second?" I said pointing towards a cushioned stool on the side. "Of course ma'am!" She said. I smile and take a seat there, exhausted, and sighed. I turn towards the coat again, I'd definitely need that if I wanted to go back out there.

"Hey uhm ma'am?" I heard the girl call again. "Yes?" I said. "Are you gonna buy some clothes? I mean, this is a clothing shop after all." she said crossing her arms. A bit rude, but, ok. "Oh.. yeah give me a moment and I'll be out of your hair" I said getting up and looking through the clothes they had in their small shop. "Floor's all wet now..." she murmured.

Their decor seemed dated but their clothing sure wasn't. It went from modern fashion to vintage, something I'd know many of the people from my college would absolutely adore. As for me, I lean towards simple T-shirts, sweaters, and merch.

After a few minutes I pieces together a cheap outfit that was functional and stylish. I was gonna help Charles after all, not just hang around until the apartment safe for me to go back to.

I took the raincoat and clothes to where the young woman stood at. "That'll be $89.99 ma'am" she said. "Crap." I thought to myself. I needed that 9 dollars to ride from here and back to the city, this isn't good. I'll either give up my health or something to keep me from losing more.

"Excuse me uh, ma'am?" I heard her ask. I looked up from my zoned out expression. "Uh yeah I just- can I get a discount?" I ask. "I'm sorry but I can't do that." she said. Saddened I gave her the cash and made my way in their dressing room. "Ugly bitch.." I heard her say.

Not to be rude, but nobody asked you, lady! I may be lacking in sleep for a few weeks but I've been keeping as healthy as possible. Even though she's working in a fashion environment doesn't mean she gets to judge her customers.

After I put on my outfit, I sighed and looked around the room I had been in. On closer inspection, I could see a disguised panel. I was able to pry it open after a few tries, and for a shop like this, it was a really dumb placement for the electricity panel. But at this moment, I had an idea.

10 minutes later...

I was looking smug as I exited the dressing room with confident strides. "Worth the pay, isn't it?" She said. "Of course, thanks for the outfit" I said, pulling the hood over my head. "Come back soon, ma'am!" She said with a forced smile. I turned to her as I held the door open, giving her a grin in return. "Thank you, but no. I don't associate with thin prissy assholes" I say and slam that door shut behind me.

Her face turns red and looks so angry. I immediately started running across the street as the lights flickered and short circuit.

Her snarl turned into a fearful expression as she freaked out, "YOU WITCH! Did you summon a ghost in the dressing room?!" She screamed to me. I started to laugh as I made my way to the open streets, looking for the bus to take me to by dead boyfriend's brother.


I was shaken awake by the rocky grounds that the bus drove on. I looked out the window next to me, the sun was beginning to rise as the moon in the West was nowhere to be seen. Most of the other passengers have left in the city, we were far out now. Charles lived on a farm a couple of miles away from the city after finishing college. I remember asking why they lived this far out, Ms Glen said it was passed down through their families for years.

William believed they hid aliens in a lab under the farm, I couldn't stop laughing when he said he was probably half alien. I don't wanna look at the logic, it's too fond of a memory that it's better left not thought about, y'know?

"Arriving at the Science Museum!" I heard the driver call. The doors opened and I got off along with a few others dressed in formal attire and bags stuffed. "They must be the tour guides" I thought. "No no no get back in there- oh for God's sake-" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see a tall lanky man, scrambling around trying to put back parts of what looks to be a robot arm. 

"Space- Space?"  "Shh shut it!"

"You alright sir?" I said kneeling down and picking up some of the parts. "Oh me? Oh- I'm doing quite alright miss do not worry!" He said running a hand through his hair nervously. "Here's your-" "Thank you so very very much love I really appreciate it, but I gotta run!" He stuffed the parts into his duffle bag making a clanking sound.

"I uhm-"

"Goodbye! Thank you! See you maybe later-" He forgot to zip up his bag as he slung it over his shoulder. He ran into the museum without noticing what was a metal ball that fell out, I ran to it and picked it up. "Lady? Hey- where's space? Gotta go to space-" It kept talking about space and space like it was his religion. Maybe he makes robot toys for kids? If he worked here maybe. "It's up there above the exosphere, did that blonde tall guy build you?" I asked the beach ball sized robot. "No- Aperture- he take me to space- SPAAAACE- help me to space-" It said.

I was planning on walking to Charles' place from here, but it seemed important to give this thing back to that man. I headed over inside and tucked the sphere under my arm. I could hear it whirring its one orange glowing eye frantically, adjusting its lens to things farther away. "Don't make too much noise okay?" I whispered. "space" it said quietly.

"Where could he be?" I stopped in the fossil area where they kept their wooden made dinosaur bone models. It was amazing how dedicated this place was. I remember 5 years ago it was just being built, and now it's this huge place where everyone can learn and experience science.

The time really paid off, because there were a LOT of people here. "How am I supposed to find a Brit in a science nerd stack?" I said looking around. "AH HELP-" I heard someone scream from the next area. "ROGUE ROBOT! SOMEONE HELP-" They screamed again.

"It was him!"

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now