Inevitable Closure

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"WILL?! WILLIAM?! WILL!" I screamed into the flames... I awaited for his return, the fire never ceasing it's blaze. "C'mon... you've gotta be in there... WILL!!!" Firemen came rushing out of their trucks, some going in to rescue the survivors inside.

"Everyone focus on the fire!"


"He's in there somewhere-"



The loud bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. The lights turn on as I turned my attention to the person at the very front of the room. "That's all for today class, have a lovely weekend" My professor said, turning off the projector. As everyone got up and left I walked up to her with my backpack half way on. "Ms Davis!" I said, raising my hand to catch her attention. She turns to me and gives a knowing smile "Yes (Y/N)? Please do hurry though I'm in a rush at the moment." She says, packing up the projector into its box.

"I was wondering about the final project's due date, ma'am." I said. "The final project? That's going to start a month from now, why do you ask?" "Just checking in, big event and all..." I said eyes glued to my shoes, embarrassed. "(Y/N), does this have to do with-" "No... Ma'am." I interrupt, swiftly shifting my gaze up to meet my superior's eyes. "...Alright dear, I won't pry but I'm here if you need to talk. Alright?" She said and placed a hand on my shoulder, sympathy written all over her.

I stayed silent, returning to staring at my light blue sneakers. "The due date is the end of class. I'm allowing you to work on your project early, my dear" she said, taking my hand and covering it with her other.

"Thank you, Ms Davis. I'll be sure not to disappoint you." I said turning towards the door. "(Y/N), you could never disappoint me. Do your best but don't over work yourself okay?" She said. I could tell she knew I wasn't myself during class today, let alone the past month. I knew she wasn't gonna let this down anytime soon, but I've been going to this college for 3 years now. Ms Davis and I are like mother and daughter, meaning she knew when I was lying about my emotions.

"I'll try not to" I say laughing a bit at the end of my sentence. "Have a nice evening Ms Davis!" I said, trying to sound more chipper. "You too (Y/N)!" She said as I walked out the door.


As I made my way to my apartment I could hear music blasting from the inside as I slid my key card through the scanner. "Must be having a whale of a time in there" I giggled, thinking fondly of my roommate.

I open and close the door quietly heading to my room without them noticing me walk behind the couch, is what I would say. "(Y/N)!!!!" They exclaimed, engulfing me in huge hug. "Fred! You scared me-" "You're the one sneaking around!" He fires back. We both end up on the couch laughing with each other, friendship goals am I right?

"So, how was class buddy?" I ask. "Chill as usual, I studied in advance just in case, actually." He said cracking open another can of cola. "Doesn't programming come easy to you?" I said turning on the news. "Yeah, but I'm in my 3rd year and I know my parents would have my head for getting anything lower than a C+" He said throwing his head back and sighing, exaggerating how much it stressed him out. 

Fred was a pretty chill dude, which is why after graduating Highschool I asked if they wanted to share an apartment and split the rent.

"Reports on who or what was responsible of the fire that night are still unknown."

The news reporter said. "Oh shit..." Fred said, but I was laser focused on the TV. 

"Any of the survivors are currently in care, families thank the fire fighters on scene. We also have been informed about a true hero who sacrificed his life saving 2 families," 

They continue, now showing the footage of the entrance of the building being filmed by a bystander. A young man runs out with a child about the age of 6 in his arms, terrified for their life.

"Here you can see the man carrying a little girl out of the burning building and collapsing upon-"

I switch off the television. Fred turns to his right, finding a stressed out roomy. "...You wanna talk about it?" He asks, putting down his empty can. I didn't want to look him in the eye, he didn't do anything to affect me negatively yet I gave him the cold shoulder...

He sighed. "Let me guess, that was him?" He said, resting his arm on the back of the couch. I didn't respond for a second, before nodding once. "And you don't wanna talk about it?" He said. I tensed a bit and restrained myself from letting the tears welling up fall, and as the good friend he is, notices and switches his gaze. 

"You don't have to (Y/N), I understand. I trust you, alright?" He takes my hand and places a hand on my shoulder. And there goes my 'didn't cry today' win streak... "Fred I- every time people just mention the thought of him hurts to block out. Nobody here understands what the hell I'm going through! I've been shamed by students, embarrassed by my teachers when I try not to cry during class, and not even my parents take me seriously anymore!" I shout, my eyes shut tight, my fists pressing into the couch at my sides.

Immediately Fred hugged me and held me firmly in his arms, I embraced him as well. "What did they tell you..." He said, his voice as shaky as mine. "They.. They told me it was my fault. My fault for him going up in flames, he was only trying to.. trying..." I could barely keep it together; I tightened my grip on him and clung on to his green hoodie and sobbed into his shoulder.

He held me for as long as I needed him to, we sat there for a while never knowing if it had been half an hour or 5 staggeringly long minutes. He finally spoke, "(Y/N), it wasn't your fault. You had no control over anything that happened that day. What Will did that day was a true act of kindness, and would want you to be happy knowing you would be safe even without him around." He said, resting his hand on my head.

I could tell he shed some tears as well, I could feel them dripping down onto my white sweater. The silence continued for a while until I felt a bit better and wanted some time alone. Fred headed to his own room to do some of his own assignments, while I was planning to figure out what I wanted to do for the "Science Lab Exhibit" project.

I sigh, "God I hope this grief would just go away, I can't keep roping Fred into my messes anymore..." I thought, laying on my comfortable bed and drifting off to sleep.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now