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So uhm hi-

I don't usually do (A/N)s unless it's for thanks and such. But this is important-

So I'm making a sequel to this book! The next chapter is going to be an epilogue that may include some clues to what comes next. I'm thinking the next book will be the last- but I believe this book did pretty well for my first successful fanfic.

Successful in terms of reads probably not like in writing- but it was a good way to see how my motivation can change the quality of my output and the uhhh.. haha upload schedule.

Let's be honest there was no actual upload schedule this book has been on 3-6 month hiatuses.

But it's finally coming to an end- BUT NOT REALLY CUS Y'KNOW SEQUELLLL

To those who has been reading the book up until now, Y'all are legends.

And to those who just start reading this and are sad it's over, DON'T BE FAM YOU'LL GET SOME MORE TEARS SOON.

Besides that, I wanted to ask..
(And please comment on the next line of text so I can read them)

"What do you think or what do you want to come next?"

I have a plan for what I wanna do, but if you have an idea better than mine (even though you haven't heard it you amazing bold bastard!), then feel free to give me your thoughts.


I might add it if it seems relevant who knowsss. (Creds will be mentioned cus I'm calling all of you out)

Anyways, on that one line of text, to everyone who wants to, comment what comes next or what you wanna see come next. Or what were your thoughts about the book idk something about it!

That's all, thanks for reading In Reality. The half-assed put together book I hold dearly in my memory.

- Shin-Lei


To all the critiques on writing just anyone who's better at this than me, comment some suggestions for my writing to work better or sound better please.

Or legit if I should tone down the description and focus on the narrative more.

I wanna improve so please if you have any advice I'd love to hear it.


- Shin-Lei

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now