Happy Memories

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I awoke to the sound of knocking on my door. "(Y/N)? you awake?" I heard Fred ask from the other side. It was still dark out so I assumed it was around 10:00 PM or something. I walked over to my door and popped my head out to meet a tall tired boy with a pillow in his arms. "Yeah I'm awake, what's wrong?" I said. "It's like 1 AM, and I can't sleep..." he said, rubbing his eye. "It's Saturday and we both don't have classes, maybe we can watch a movie or something." I suggested, now out of my room and closing my bedroom door.

He looked at me all sad, "No something else... I've been watching planet documentaries all week for my solar system project." He said, hugging the pillow he held. Sighing I lean on my doorframe and think...

"How about a video game? that always cheered me up." I said. he looked up from his pillow to me with an excited look. Well more like happiness? bewilderment? I couldn't tell as easily since the kitchen lights were thee only thing on. But that only lasted a few seconds after what I said as he sighed and looked back to his pillow and face-planted into it. "But which one? we have so many..." He said. 

I mean we did have a book shelf that held our shared figurines, PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo games and in the cabinet that the TV stood on in the living room held all three consoles. How do we have all these great gifts? Let's just say, going to this college wasn't easy nor was finding this good but cheap of an apartment, so we had to get some, 'parental guidance' to help us both.

...And a lot of Christmas presents.

"Since you can't choose go get 6 cans of Cola and a bag of potato chips" I said taking the remote and switching on the TV. "Can I get 3 Red Bull and 3 Cola instead?" He asks, throwing a bag of chips over the table and onto the couch. "Yeah sure! by the way get 2 glasses of water too!" I said grabbing our PlayStation 3 and one of the cartridge packages. "What? Why?" He asked. I turn to him, a mischievous look in my eyes. 

"We're playing Portal 2"


"SHIT NO-" Fred walked our character into the water while zoning out. "I turn away for ONE second Fred!" I said resting my chin on the pillow propped up on my knees. "You play I wanna drink some Red Bull (N/N)" He said handing me his controller and taking a sip from his 3rd can. "You burned through all of your drinks dude" I said.

"Hey it's not my fault. My dad introduced it to me, and now he has created a Red Bull addicted techy son." He said matter-of-factly. "Whatever you say, Freddy boy." I say, finishing the level we were on.

Unlike Fred, I had a huge obsession over VALVE's games that generally were connected to the Portal lore. I watched Youtubers play Half Life and Half Life Alyx, maybe vomiting at least once because I got nauseous from the VR experience, but enjoyed them mixed with both Portal and Portal 2.

Meaning, I was at the point of remembering every test GLaDOS would through at Chell, every place to put a portal, every companion cube, emancipation grid, and loading screen. Heck, Fred and I tried to program a mini-turret, but ended up trashing the idea since we thought it'd be hard to explain to our parents why we had a robotic machine gun in the garage.

"...platform, portal, thennn... portal," Fred was visibly bored, usually this was my form of being annoying when he was. "get onto this glowing runway..." I absently said.

It was dead silent, until I was just at the button... 

"English man at 12 o' clock!" Fred said.

I began a laughing fit, I just got to the room where Wheatley shuts off the lights and helps Chell make an escape, and every time we get here, doesn't matter who's playing, he ALWAYS says that which manages to make me die laughing.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now