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|| AUDIO MSG . . .  RECORDING-#???_MSG . . . RELAYING MESSAGE . . . ||


"Anyone there?"

"Oh right it's a recording."

"Well I guess I'll be sending this over to them instead."

"Alright so a friend of mine told me to relay this message-"

<Flipping of papers>

<Movement of machinery>

"Goddamn these limited-ranged limbs."

"I really wished I had a human body you know?"

"With your . . . fingers and meticulous handwriting."


"This is the message from them so after what I'm saying to you now assume the next set of words are from them."

<Clearing of the throat>

" " .-- . .----. ...- . / -... . . -. / - .-. -.-- .. -. --. / - --- / .-. . .- -.-. .... / -.-- --- ..- / .- -... --- ..- - / -.-- --- ..- .-. / -.-. .- .-. .----. ... / . -..- - . -. -.. . -.. / .-- .- .-. .-. .- -. - -.-- " "

"Oh wrong message."

<Tossing of a singular paper>

"That was for the Charlie guy."

"Was his name Charlie?"

"I can't remember honestly sorry about that."

"Pay no mind to it I could get fired for it."

"If you can, please edit this recording before sending it back to the address on the box."

"Feel free to keep everything else by the way!"

"The mug the snacks the turret plush."

"Oh and if you were wondering if it can make gunshot sounds no we didn't give it that functionality."

<Opening of filing cabinets>

<Closing of filing cabinets>

"Ah here it is!"

"Okay now this is the thing I have to read to you so get comfy this might take a while."

"They're known for writing and relaying a lot."

"Creative minds am I right?"

<Clearing of the throat>

" "Hello again." "

" "I apologize for the waiting time of the next chapter." "

" "Thank you for being so patient." "

" "To those who still read this." "

" "I'm working on a lot of things at the moment." "

" "As well as getting through some thoughts about my future." "

" "This book will continue to be updated." "

" "Just not as soon as you would like it to be." "

" "Please understand." "

" "Thank you for bringing me happiness." "

" "By reading this story." "

<Filing of papers>

"Well that's nice."

"I hope you get more stuff to read."

"I'm guessing you're a company that aims to publish all their books."

"I should've been more professional in this haven't I?"

"The editing cores will make me look good that's fine."

"Please edit this out editor I'm counting on you!"


In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now