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Today was full of surprises now, wasn't it? As I ran into the room everyone else was making their way OUT of it. Some of them even yelled 'what the fuck are you doing?!' but I couldn't determine if it was in worry for my well-being or how they reacted to what looked like the presence of utter stupidity.

"Oh god no-! LET GO OF ME!" I saw a middle-aged beered man in the clutches of a giant woman-bot. She looked unfinished, wires hung around out of open panels. I tossed the Space blabbering metal ball onto the floor and headed towards the tall thing, It was focused on getting herself free from what could be considered the chains that held her down. "Ma'am! You need to get out of here! We have no control over her!" The guy warned me.

From the side of the chaos I saw the same lanky boy from before, trying to find something from his duffle bag. He frantically tossed random things from left to right, cursing under his breath. "Where is that core?! I swear he was in here!" He said. As he did, I turned to the little ball that sat quietly talking about space to itself. 

And from what I, a computer science major and gamer, knew what I had to do. I took the 'core' by the handle and ran towards the giant robot. With confidence, I jumped to grab one of the exposed wires at her side, then kicking my legs in the air as I tried to catch my heel on an open panel. The british blonde tossed his bag away frustrated, then turning his head towards the machine anxiously, only to get even more anxious as he saw me dangling by a thread.

"Wait what are you- Oh I see!" The boy said catching on to my plan. "Hey! Lady! There's a socket on her upper back! If you can jam the core in there without dying... maybe?" He instructed. I looked up and grabbed hold of a wire that stuck out of her head, propping myself up and using the open panel to stand on. "Nap time giant woman!" I said as I swung the ball into the port on her upper back.

The sound of it short-circuiting was followed by her shutting down, leaning forward in her default position. "Oh thank god it's over.. Thank you ma'am" The man being held said to me. I smiled and nodded to him as he was able to pull himself free from her clutches and carefully make his way down. "I am SO very sorry Doctor Rattmann I didn't mean to-" "That's quite alright I wasn't sure she'd be as docile as we perceived anyway." He said.

The two continued to talk like clashing colours. It looked kinda like a father and son exchange, "Well that's wholesome I'm not gonna lie" I thought.

As I watched their exchange, I realized I couldn't get down. Like a cat in a tree, but some sort of sci-fi reincarnation. "Uh a little help here?" I said. The two looked up and understood the predicament I was in. "Oh dear..." the doctor said. "I'm kinda bewildered the metal didn't bend- I mean I'll help you!" the taller man said.

As he ran under where I was, he didn't look like he had any idea how exactly he was gonna help me get down. "I'll- I'll catch you! Take a leap of faith for me!" He said holding his arms out, but had a look of fear. And to be honest, I wasn't sure this guy would actually catch me. Then it hit me, this wire connected to the robot's head looks pretty stable.. I could swing down from it.

"Come on don't be shy! I've got a strong arm I promise I'll catch you-" he said as I grabbed hold of the thick wire and slid down to the ground. A disappointed look grazed upon his face as I held in a laugh, this guy genuinely wanted to help. "Looks like the young lady can handle herself, Wheatley." Dr. Rattmann said patting the tall boy on the shoulder.

...What we weren't expecting was it to dislocate and go limp. I wasn't horrified, more in disbelief by what I just saw happen. Unlike me, the doctor had only rose his eyebrows and Wheatley's expression switched like a cartoon character and tried to push his arm back into place. "God- foresaking- dumb arm become fixed already!" He cursed while trying to jam it back in. "M.. Maybe you should have someone look at that instead.." I said moving closer to him. 

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now