Melancholy Man

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I don't know for how long we've been sat here together, embracing each other with the most affection we've given each other in the last few days and nights. It felt.. amazing. To be in his arms, to be in completely silence, and to be in such bliss. No words needed to be said, nothing else could make this better than it already was. But just like all good things, even moments like this need to come to an end. Just as I felt my eyes getting heavy, the sound of an explosion came from above us followed by a small tremor.

I felt Wheatley's grip tighten on me as we looked up at the ceiling. "..What was that?" He asked. "I don't know." My eyes darted around the plain panel that held up the single ceiling light. After what could've been a good 5 minutes it happened again, followed by the ringing of a phone on the dresser. I pushed myself farther back on the bed as the boy got up and picked it up. "You have a phone?" "That's what you're concerned about right now- hello?" He answered the call as I cautiously got up from the comfortable mattress. As I made my way to him, the ground shook and made me stumble over. I let out a yelp before grabbing onto his free arm for stability. I felt my cheeks burn when he removed his arm from my grasp and pulled me into his side by the waist, still concentrated on the call.


"Dr. Rattmann?"

"You two need to get out of here! Take the car! Get as far away-" "What's going on?" Wheatley asked as he began leading me back to the elevator platform I came down on. I could practically hear Doug yelling on the other end. Is this because of- "The rogue androids are back and are chasing me through the field! While I'm distracting them you need to go!" The man yelled. He glanced at me, worry was written all over him, and all I could do (with just as much stress) was hold his shoulder reassuringly. The calm half second didn't last long when I'm sure we both heard gunshots followed by Doug crying out in pain. "Doug are you alright?!" He asked.

"They're after (Y/N)! They work for that kid he's after her! I need you to protect her at all costs- NEVER leave her side!" The man shouted through exasperated breaths. "Wheatley! Get her to Charles's-" The sound of a final explosion was heard before quickly being cut off by the call ending.

The platform had reached the closet entrance again. Feeling one more tremor that started not too far from the house. We stood in silence, knowing what probably transpired out there. Out in the ruins of the cultivated farm. "Do you think he.." I stopped myself from saying another word. What would I say? My thoughts ran from optimistic to pessimistic like an endless cycle. Before I contemplated more, one thing was clear in that moment-

"(Y/N). We need to leave."

I looked into his eyes trying to find a glint of emotion that came with that statement. To my concern, I could only see a soft, blue glow in his eyes. Was.. was that glow always there?

Wheatley took my hand in a firm grip before opening the cabinet slowly, taking caution in every move he and I made. This was so unlike him- I expected the guy to break down into tears hearing that! But then again, I'm currently running on fear and the knowledge that I could die if I don't stay calm and focus. "Give me a moment.." He said before creeping into the kitchen. I stood behind the door, terrified. After a few minutes of waiting, I eventually got tired and slowly reached for the handle only to have it swing away from me, causing me to fall forward.


"Thanks.." I said after he had caught me. It was quiet; quieter than how I usually speak. As we passed through the kitchen through the living room, It was impossible to distract my mind from asking 'what happened here?'. It was completely trashed, there were burnt holes and gunshots in the walls and furniture, the flat screen discarded possibly smashed. I couldn't tell, it was facing the ground. "Wait, I think I left my coat in my room-" "I'll get it. Stay here." He said and briskly walked down the hall and into the room I was previously complaining about wanting to sleep in more, closing the door just as quickly as it opened.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now