Wheatley Headcanons

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A/N Note:

"Hello simps. I'm having a bit of trouble writing the next 2 chapters both physically and mentally plotting them out in my head, so I decided why not give you guys some Wheatley Headcanons because this story has so much angst you'll be starved for a sequel!"

"And yes, I'm writing a sequel. I'll figure out that story's plot and I'm not too sure what it would come about this new story. But either way, it shall happen with whatever cliff hanger or new adventure you will be going on."

And now, simps and casual readers, I give you my Wheatley Headcanons in different scenarios.

#1 Cheesy Compliments

- Whenever he has the chance or the mood is rather romantic, he'll slide in some cheesy and wholesome compliments

- When YOU give the compliment however, depending on it being sudden or expected, he'd blush or give you numerous kisses

#2 Love Languages

- He becomes ecstatic whenever he manages to impress you with something he worked hard on. Especially something like baking or painting, since he's more used to processing equations, coding, machinery, etc.

- You love running up to Wheatley and giving him big hugs, kissing his cheek before heading off to a class, and anything else sweet and kind towards him for being by your side. Since he's always trying to impress you, you decide to give him the validation and love he shyly asks for in the way he does

#3 Bed Rest

- Wheatley's usually the first to bed. Sometimes when you're still awake he'd lazily make his way to you and whine with a pillow in his arms. 90% of the time you actually follow him to bed and sleep

- You're the night owl in the relationship. Working on projects and the amount of caffeine you have to consume to finish them does NOT help the unhealthy sleep schedule, which is why you're so thankful for Wheatley being clingy sometimes

#4 Christmas Habits

- Somehow becomes more stupid-clumsy than usual, and gets tangled in every decoration or gift rap he touches. Anything else like baking sugar cookies and catching you under the mistletoe (you can't count how many times), just being left in a room with decorations about 5 feet away from him, you could come back and not be surprised by the fact the love of your life is tangled in CHRISTMAS LIGHTS

- This is the time you actually get a break so your pretty crabby towards everyone and I mean EVERYONE, so you mostly spend your time sleeping in or cuddling with Wheatley whenever you can. This goes on for the entirety of Christmas Break for you, and no one is invited to your apartment. Wheatley doesn't like anyone else all that much, so he doesn't mind.

#5 Freaky Nights (Slight NSFW, +13)

- Usually, he's the one that's being pleasured, being a bottom for SURE. The sensation of your touch on his robotic skin sends sparks flying through him, just seeing you in only in undergarments has his cheeks turn red. He lives for you letting lose on him on those nights, and occasionally loses it when you scream his name.

- You're a proud top, a woman to not be messed with, if Wheatley did, he wouldn't see the end of it. Teasing was your specialty, and knew exactly how to get him screaming your name, begging for more, not even getting anywhere close to the spicier shit you've gotten up to with him way before. You do like being the bottom from time to time, but sometimes you just become less horny because of his attempts, making it a rather wholesome night than a hot one.


"And that's all I have for you! If you read the NSFW bit, good for you ya SIMP. I don't think I'll be writing any uhh... "Freaky Night" chapters in the future, but I might allude to something like that. Just like it's suggesting you did some shit but you don't actually get to read that bit. If you do want that, go fuck yourself."

"Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter I really appreciate the support I get for this book. Honestly I don't think there's any other book that I could write and you guys would actually enjoy reading or get as much love as this book has. Thanks again, and goodbye."

Ya simps

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