On the Farm

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I woke up to the sun shinning through the gaps between white curtains, my arms loosely taking up the space next to me on the side of this bed. From the wall I was staring at, whilst still adjusting to the natural brightness of the bedroom, that the interior was mostly a polished wooden design.

I turned over to face the ceiling, now noticing I was in a queen sized bed; the sheets, blankets, and fully pillows all a vanilla white. It felt so warm and cozy that I didn't want to get out, and I considered sleeping in..

knock knock

Well, I guess not.

"You awake, kiddo?" Doug said. I turned around and stared at him blankly; "The fuck you want?" I said. He chuckled, making his way over to the bed and sitting down. I pull the covers over myself a bit more, trying to yank it from underneath Doug's weight on it. He sat up a bit so I could pull more of the blanket, then sitting back down. "I'm going out back to check on the generator, wanna come with?" I stayed silent and rolled onto my side, still tired as hell. "I could use the help." he placed a hand on my shoulder covered by the white blanket; I looked up and see a kind smile on his face. "I wanna sleep in." I said, my voice quieter than usual. "Alright. I'll get your plate of pancakes for you, then." Doug got up and left the room, shutting the door slowly barely making a sound as the door's open lock clicked into place like normal.


My morning was quiet and lonely, then again, I liked it that way. While eating a mouthful of pancakes I peaked outside holding the curtains apart; Charles was walking around holding a notebook, pacing around. He seemed to be tapping the tip of a pencil onto the page, maybe he's writing something? I pulled them shut again and picked up my small wooden table that Doug had set down half an hour ago, making my way over to open the door with one hand. "Man, I'm so coordinated." I thought to myself as a small smirk grazed my lips.

I made my way through the open living room; The TV behind me was playing "Run Rabbit Run" on loop in there, odd choice. You would assume Doug chose the song but from knowing Will's brother, he played this. Other than the fond memories of my ex-boyfriend's little brother, I made my way into the kitchen.

I left the plate, and utensils in the dishwasher that looked to have been used earlier, as well as leaving the small table on the counter. I poured myself a glass of cold orange juice while thinking about the offer Doug had given me a while ago; I wasn't as tempted to sleep in after eating breakfast, so maybe I could join him after a bath. It's been what, two days since I last showered? No way am I not taking this opportunity. I sipped my drink looking out the kitchen window that showed the entirety of the large land plot; a farm of strawberries, horseradishes, and rhubarb.

William's family over the decades passed down this place and what they were known for planting and selling would change due to the changing owners. He said they wanted to keep farming as a family habit but not be a legacy of creating the best of some vegetable or fruit. So, Ms. Glen Davis decided on planting these selected three. I've only seen it at its prime, and seeing it now shows how well Charles has taken care of this place. The sound of a door creaked open caught my attention but didn't surprise me enough to turn my head; the footsteps approached my side, and from the corner of my eye I could see Charles' content figure relax.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He said. "Yeah. I can't imagine the amount work you have everyday." I grimaced knowing the truth about having something you can consider perfection. It was hard labour, and all about ambition and dedication.  "Not as much as you'd think, actually." he said, placing a hand on my shoulder and adjusting himself to stare eye level with me. He pointed at a grey moving figure out in the field, squinting my eyes to only make out the large sun hat it had on. "Mom, Dad, and Will built robots that would do most of the planting for us so they could focus on more important matters like taking care of the two of us." He said. 

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