True Memories

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(( Play the music around the ending, I guarantee it'll be nice. ))

"COME BACK HERE, HUMAN SCUM!" The Adventure Android said, a chorus of turrets and drones following in suit.

If I wasn't an actor in this crazy narrative, I'd be gushing over the designs. This is my town after all, if it was used as a movie set I'd be thrilled. Sadly this isn't a movie, it's real-

"WATCH OUT!" Doug exclaimed whilst grabbing me by the waist like a ragdoll and tumbling us out of harm's way. Not nearly seconds after a missile hit the ground, an explosion soon after. "Down this way, I had us going down the wrong path so we could switch at the last second." He said, readjusting Wheatley on his shoulder. "Why did you have to take the long way then?!"

"Because then they would tire out and we'd have a running start through our secret get away-" "They're robots, Doug!" We argue, tired out of our minds. "You three are really the snake in my boot!" The machine called out again, a wave of dread crashing over us.

"No time to argue, let's just get to the road!" He said, pulling me along. "Are you crazy? They'll have an easy shot if we leave the crowded buildings!" I said. He took a walky-talky from his damaged lab coat, putting it up to his mouth. "Not today, I say." He said into it. As we finally reached the road I saw a familiar car driving in at high speeds, the backseat left door swinging open in the distance.

"RATTMANN!" I heard, as everything seemed to happen in slow motion..

The car swerved, doing a full on 360. A flurry of bullets came crashing down into the cement. Doug held both me and Wheatley tight as he jumped feet first into the car, I grabbing the door whilst all of this happening.

And like in an instant, time caught up with itself and the driver swerves once more to get us back on track, driving us to who knows where. But from the relieved look on Doug's face and the smile he gave after a laugh was all the assurance I needed. "..Holy shit!" I cheered, a smile plastered on my face from the caught up rush. I adjusted myself up in my chair, as I continued to gush over about what just happened.

"Did we just- did you- that was amazing did you plan that?!" I exclaimed. "Yeah! It was only a hypothetical at the time we planned that stunt but I'm so glad it worked.. oh my god I really am spry!" He said. God, I thought of him as my dad last I remember but Dr. Rattmann feels more like my grandpa with that wording. "It was the greatest plan, Doctor!" I heard a voice say from the driver's seat.

"You said it, Charles!" I said.


"Yes ma'am?" He said turning his head around to face me, with that all too familiar smile, innocent curious eyes, and a shy but welcoming demeanor. "How did- what??" "Maybe keep your eyes on the road, kid? And slow down while your at it-" Doug said. "Right, sorry Dr. Rattmann!" Charles said facing the road again.

"You're Dr. Davis?" I ask in absolute disbelief. He can talk now?

"Yeah? I guess I am? I prefer Charles, but do feel free to be formal I don't mind." He said. "And uh.. if you're wondering about my voice, I got-" Just as the intensity seemed to die down a turret that had been launched down the road bounced past the car, startling Charles.

"Jesus Christ- okay let's talk later first we need to get out of here!" He stepped on the gas, going back to the car speed chase energy it had before.


An hour later...

I woke up holding onto what I thought was a human being, but it couldn't be Charles he was driving, couldn't be Doug he was sitting next to me. Although it felt weird I kept holding on to the robot, it wasn't like he was a rotting corpse, and I assumed he could be revived somehow.

At least I hoped he could..

And with that, I held onto him tighter. The dread of that not being the case scared me and I didn't want to lose another person so close to me today. I snuggled up in Wheatley's arms and laid my head on his chest, although I couldn't hear his circuits whirring in there, it didn't stop the comforting feeling to linger. His head hung low and briefly I think it could snap off and fall on my own.

Despite what he's made of, in this state, he looked so fragile.

The sky was a dark shade of blue with stars dusted across the night. I didn't notice it before but Doug had fallen asleep. And I thought I was the only person who slept without snoring; good to know. I looked into the rear-view mirror, checking on how Charles was doing. He looked a bit drowsy, but to combat this he had a serious look on his face.

"You doing okay buddy?" I asked, startling the boy a bit. "Yeah just a bit tired. We're almost there though, so I'm relying on that to keep me going." He said. He continued his serious stare, which made me laugh a bit.

"You thinking about Subway sandwiches right now?" I asked. "Wh.. What?" He asked confused. "You do that face whenever you're thinking about your order at Subway. Don't you remember?" I said, lifting myself up a bit. "I do remember ordering meals, did I really look like that?"

"Yeah. I saw it a lot whenever you'd tag along with William and I-" I started, Charles stayed silent listening to my story. "-we always ordered before you, and while you wrote down your order you made that face every time." I laughed a bit through my words, it's true, he did that in every situation. "Oh- I guess I was just really lost in thought." He said, his voice laced with embarrassment.

"I guess so."

A silence resumed on us, not uncomfortable, just still. The road seemed endless by how slow time seemed to travel...

"So how have you been?" He asked. I tried to snuggle closer to the android whilst trying to figure out how to put such a crazy two days and nights I've had. "Hectic and stressed." I stated. "I see.." Charles lowered his voice, thinking I didn't want to talk about it. But I wasn't finished; "but also, Fun and exciting." I said smiling. "Oh? How's that?"

"Well, ever since I met these two it never felt too dull of a moment. I guess I just missed having more friends." I said, shrugging afterwards. "Doug told me you fought the giant offense-bot, is that right?" He asked, looking into the rear-view mirror to glance at me for a split second. I felt an amount of pride at the mention of it, the feeling that a hero would after defeating a great foe or facing something with absolute bravery.

"Did he? Well did he mention when I practically swung on it's wires like Tarzan?" I asked, a smug look on my face. "Yeah actually- I think he got that from Wheatley though. He had a better view compared to where he was." He began to laugh around the ending of his explanation, causing me to laugh with him. Our conversation went back and forth, one story to the next, each memory happier than the last.

"No way!" I said, in complete hysteria and disbelief. "Yeah- immediately as we turned on the program the android's head spun RAPIDLY! We weren't sure if we should've continued our project after that."

"Could you two be any louder?" Doug interjected.

"Sorry Dr. Rattmann." Charles laughed, pulling into the gas station. Doug also heads out and stretches as the door shuts behind him. I giggled once more watching them interact, then turn back to the guy next to me..

I stared at Wheatley for a while, I don't know for how long. I took his cheek in my palm and brushed it with my thumb, a thin smile appearing soon after. I reviewed the past events in my mind, a nostalgic feeling passing by. I pulled myself in closer to the android, wondering where my spherical little idiot went. I held onto him in tranquility, even with that spark he had and unusually warm emission lacking.

I kept my hand on his cheek. The memory of him, leaning into my touch; how his eyes dilated.. How he smiled.. I wanted to see that smile again. I continued to dream of that sincere interaction over and over as I got misty eyes, in a cloudy happiness. I nuzzled into his shoulder, finding comfort in the crook of Wheatley's neck. Even if we just met a day ago, I couldn't say I minded if we could do this when he gets back online..

"I'm sorry for being mean to you.." I whispered, closing my eyes. I dropped my hand down to his chest, gently placed over where his synthetic heart would be beating.

"I'll see you soon.. Wheatley." I said, before falling asleep again.

This time, without any heartache.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now