Shots Fired

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I opened my eyes to be met with a line between chaos and peace...

One my left, I saw a woman in a black dress crying at a funeral. Her back was faced to me, so I couldn't make out who she was. Another wore an outfit I had seen before, but where? She was arguing with someone.

Someone familiar.

A mother? But why?

The next scenario filled me with fear. It was Fred, beating the same woman.

She ran, far away. Now totally alone...

Was this..


I felt tears dripping down my face, but I wasn't sad.

I felt disconnected from my body as I turned around to face a bright light, warm and welcoming, a pair of arms wrapped around me. A blaze erupted in my heart, something I hadn't felt in a long while.

As my eyes opened once more, a lot less quick and sudden, I glanced around with blurry eyes. I felt less comfortable as I regained the nerves in my body, a pain building up in my side. Actually, screw my side my entire body needed to stretch right now! I felt so squished..

I tried lifting my arms, but I found myself held close in someone else's. A small weight upon my head I had not noticed completed the loose embrace; I could hear a soft snoring mixed with a nearly inaudible motor running above me. I followed one of the arms up to see Wheatley in deep slumber. I felt embarrassed and frozen in place- how'd this happen?!

Out of the two people I had interacted with today, I did not expect the guy who had been a total dick to me, to give me a hug and fall asleep on top of me. But then again, this is Wheatley. The moron. To put it bluntly, he was made to do a lot of stupid things.

Other than that, he seemed pretty peaceful, content with being powered down in this state.

Just as I was contemplating what to do in this situation, Wheatley shifts in his slumber and pulls me closer. I'll be honest, this felt kinda nice. His grip on me was tight but gentle, his legs suddenly had been entangled with mine. I don't think I felt this comfortable for a while, and when opportunity strikes, I might as well take it.

You might think I'm an idiot for it, but hey, I can be an idiot and make bad decisions from time to time.

...Just don't tell Wheatley about it.

I leaned my head into his shoulder and felt at peace, the cold quiet bus drifting me off to sleep in the metal moron's arms.

Or so I thought.

"Now Arriving, at Harpertown." the bus driver announced. My disappointment is immeasurable, and my mood has been ruined. "(Y/N), Wheatley. We're here." Doug whispered to us, lightly shaking Wheatley awake. I heard him power on and immediately detached myself from his grasp, but failing to stop myself from blushing and hurting myself in the process- goddamn confusing human emotions and body parts! Cooperate with my situation for ONCE.

"Huh- What- OW!" I heard from him. I probably kicked him in the gut, good. But against my better judgement, I apologized. "Sorry-" I quickly said before exiting the bus and brushing down my coat and clothes, Wheatley and Doug in tow.

We were walking towards a small ghost town, one that felt awfully familiar to me... I probably would've giving it a lot more thought if my hair wasn't being so stubborn! Life really ain't going to cooperate with (Y/N) (L/N) today, will it? Before I could get any more frustrated with my bird's nest, I felt a pair of hands on mine.

In Reality || Wheatley x Reader (PORTAL 2 FANFIC) By LeisugarWhere stories live. Discover now